Happy Canada Day!

Camelot Farms

10 Years
Jun 5, 2009
VA,TN,NC Tri-State area
To our Canadian BYCers!!

Isnt "happy canada day" an oxymoron?
how could you be happy to be canadian?

Sorry I couldnt resist, but it was completely in jest to our neighbors to the north. As an American I am very glad to have our greatest ally to the north. Such a better neighbor than the drug infested third world country to the south.

So, Happy Canada Day Eh!
I can speak from limited personal experience (I am half Quebecois) and from being married to a Canadian....they are a happy people. We could take some lessons from them on certain manners of levity.

Don't know if my DW will read this, but Happy Canada Day, my love!

And Happy Canada Day to all the other Northern brethren and sist...sistren.....is sistren a word....?
Happy Canada Day from Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan. A cistern is a holding tank that holds water for the house hold, we have one and our water is trucked in from our well a km. away, it is our only water supply so we are very careful how we use water.

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