Happy Day

Her new word of the day? "Well Duh"
And where do you think she learned that mister?
Em...first happy birthday to Lillian. But I must tell you that you have solved a long standing mystery. Several months ago I got a new IPad and just transferred everything from my old one to the new IPad. At some point in time I noticed a picture of a little girl in my picture section and she was in a cute costume with big orange wings. I had no idea who it was or whom she belonged to or even how it got there. I assumed that it was the cute child of one of my many relatives and that someone must know who it is. So I kept the picture and whenever I was with anyone I opened up the picture and asked "do you know who this is?". And the answer was always "no idea.". Most recently ( in fact, right now) I took a trip to New England and inquired again to my daughter-in-law. By this time everyone had begun to think that this was quite funny and that it could possibly be my secret love child. (which I might add is just about impossible). Several minutes ago I looked at this thread and there she is is full regalia replete with large orange wings. So now I know who this cutie is, but still can not figure out how it got in my picture section on my IPad. My one other question is probably really dumb, but that costume is adorable, but what is it?
Thank you all for her birthday wishes. She had a wonderful day. She started off with cookies for breakfast, followed by doing basically whatever she wanted. (although, I'm not sure how the last part is any different from any other day) She had Ice cream cake, tons of presents, hot dogs for dinner, and very soon, we'll be shooting off fireworks.

. If she's your love child, we've both got some explaining to do eh?
In any case, she's a monarch butterfly. Every year for Halloween, I search out the cutest and perfect costumes, and let her choose from my top picks. She was a butterfly that year, and she was a frog last year. This year is still up in the air. As far as how she ended up on your Ipad, I've no idea, but I bet you're relieved to at least know it isn't some child you fathered and don't remember...(or does Capvin owe me 3 years back child support? dum dum dum...
You're very sweet.

She is definitely something else. Keeps everyone in the house in line. (I've no idea where she gets her attitude and bossy nature from.

Perry, she is already well past "Spoiled"...I think we're on to "Rotten" at this point.
You will someday learn, Em.

I remember Hana being three. Such a cute child.

Now...almost thirteen and her mom and I are seriously
considering putting her up for sale. She starts jr. high
this year.

An all-girls military school is not out of the question yet.

I have some extra flyers if you and Terry are interested...

Lillian already ha the teenage attitude down. She'll roll her eyes at me and go "Well DUH!" Like I'm the biggest moron she's ever met...I'm starting to wonder if she isn't right.

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