Happy Friday! Coo Coo Cachoo!

LOL it makes me feel better to know that I'm not the only one addicted to chickens :) I love having backyard chickens! I started with 3 about 2 years ago. The 2 Wyandottes we have now were brought home with a black Austrolorp. Sadly, we lost her in June
The summer's are extremely hot here in AZ and as you know I'm sure, heat & stress don't mix well for chickens. We were moving and suddenly she collapsed and had a heat stroke.. was very sad. The Wyandottes are still very healthy and beautiful, however their laying has decreased quite a bit. Is that mainly b/c it's summer time or their age? Both I assume.
I've become very conscious in keeping the flock cool and hydrated now. They are very spoiled!

After losing one, I started becoming interested in the rare breeds and reading forums to gain knowledge on which to bring home next. The Wyandottes names are Henna and Silvermist- (my daughters named them) They are not so happy about our new arrivals. I assume it's b/c they are all much smaller? My 3 polish are about 11 weeks and my Silkie and Frizzle are about 9 weeks. I have the pullets separated in their own coop for now and in the evening I let them all out to free range in the grass. My older girls do fine with them when distracted with treats, but if left alone they go straight to pecking at them. This will go away as the chicks grow larger I hope!?? One of my polish girls also pecks at the little Silkie too! I'm still trying to figure out this pecking order. Is it based mainly on size?
Do you think bringing a Buff Cochin to the flock is a bad idea b/c of their size or do you think it will be ok? I really want one, but I want to make the best decision because this is my last one. LOL. If so, I may just get one more Silkie partridge or red.

That's my long chicken math story. Thank you for your time and any advice!
Thank you BantamLover21! I asked a cpl of questions in my earlier post so I copied and pasted it for you. Thank so much!
.. It makes me feel better to know that I'm not the only one addicted to chickens :) I love having backyard chickens! I started with 3 about 2 years ago. The 2 Wyandottes we have now were brought home with a black Austrolorp. Sadly, we lost her in June
The summer's are extremely hot here in AZ and as you know I'm sure, heat & stress don't mix well for chickens. We were moving and suddenly she collapsed and had a heat stroke.. was very sad. The Wyandottes are still very healthy and beautiful, however their laying has decreased quite a bit. Is that mainly b/c it's summer time or their age? Both I assume.
I've become very conscious in keeping the flock cool and hydrated now. They are very spoiled!

After losing one, I started becoming interested in the rare breeds and reading forums to gain knowledge on which to bring home next. The Wyandottes names are Henna and Silvermist- (my daughters named them) They are not so happy about our new arrivals. I assume it's b/c they are all much smaller? My 3 polish are about 11 weeks and my Silkie and Frizzle are about 9 weeks. I have the pullets separated in their own coop for now and in the evening I let them all out to free range in the grass. My older girls do fine with them when distracted with treats, but if left alone they go straight to pecking at them. This will go away as the chicks grow larger I hope!?? One of my polish girls also pecks at the little Silkie too! I'm still trying to figure out this pecking order. Is it based mainly on size?
Do you think bringing a Buff Cochin to the flock is a bad idea b/c of their size or do you think it will be ok? I really want one, but I want to make the best decision because this is my last one. LOL. If so, I may just get one more Silkie partridge or red.

That's my long chicken math story. Thank you for your time and any advice!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Sorry for your loss! You've received tons of great advice above.
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Thank you! glad someone caught the Beatles reference! The more I've been looking online and such, yes I have realized there are Bantam Cochins.... now I just have to try and find one for sell! :)

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