Happy to be here!!

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Nice introduction. Lovely variety of breeds you picked, ❤ will make for a colorful chicken yard for sure! Old farmhouses are fun, they are definitely a lot of work but they contain such history and interesting vibes!

Welcome to our community!
Thank you! 🥰 For all the quirks, I really do love my home. I'll be putting it on hold to build a coop soon, but I wouldn't have it any other way. 🐔
You are so kind!! I followed a tutorial for the brooder- I recommend making this an activity for two to anyone else who builds it 😅
Here's a picture of the house! She needs a lot of love, but I just got the foundation repaired in December, so I can finally start making big changes! ❤️
Wow! That is a gorgeous place you got there! I understand how you've said it needs so much work, but that looks awesome! Congrats! :love
You are so kind!! I followed a tutorial for the brooder- I recommend making this an activity for two to anyone else who builds it 😅
Here's a picture of the house! She needs a lot of love, but I just got the foundation repaired in December, so I can finally start making big changes! ❤️
She is beautiful!!!

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