Happy to be here!!

You are so kind!! I followed a tutorial for the brooder- I recommend making this an activity for two to anyone else who builds it 😅
Here's a picture of the house! She needs a lot of love, but I just got the foundation repaired in December, so I can finally start making big changes! ❤️
Your house is so nice, the brick looks good on it ❤️
Welcome. Very nice brooder and great home. I can tell your chicks are going to have a great life. Here is some advice I can give you from the many mistakes I made when new to chickens. 1. I think you sound like me and several others here, who make chickens part of their family; therefore, keep chicken math in check or you will be exhausted with worry. 2. Try to find out what stresses you out about them being outside and plan your coop and chicken yard with that in mind. As an example, rain stresses me out. My dogs and disabled chickens are indoors but my chickens outside. I build two very large lean to’s with sides, covers and a 4-inch floor for them. Even though my coop is very large and has heat and air conditioning, my chickens think it is a place to sleep and for some to lay, but not to be in, no matter what, during the day. 3. Assuming good health, the most important things in my opinion is space and security. Do not buy a prefab coop. Convert a shed or build your own. I have two rooster coops, one coop and run with a rooster and 4 hens and the main coop has 14 hens and is two feet off the ground 18x8x8. The chicken yard for the hens is now 60x60 feet with hardware cloth walls, an apron and hardtop for about 1/2 of it and hawk netting top for the other 1/2. I understand everyone cannot do this…I have 6-acres, but as much secure space you can provide will address many issues.
Welcome. Very nice brooder and great home. I can tell your chicks are going to have a great life. Here is some advice I can give you from the many mistakes I made when new to chickens. 1. I think you sound like me and several others here, who make chickens part of their family; therefore, keep chicken math in check or you will be exhausted with worry. 2. Try to find out what stresses you out about them being outside and plan your coop and chicken yard with that in mind. As an example, rain stresses me out. My dogs and disabled chickens are indoors but my chickens outside. I build two very large lean to’s with sides, covers and a 4-inch floor for them. Even though my coop is very large and has heat and air conditioning, my chickens think it is a place to sleep and for some to lay, but not to be in, no matter what, during the day. 3. Assuming good health, the most important things in my opinion is space and security. Do not buy a prefab coop. Convert a shed or build your own. I have two rooster coops, one coop and run with a rooster and 4 hens and the main coop has 14 hens and is two feet off the ground 18x8x8. The chicken yard for the hens is now 60x60 feet with hardware cloth walls, an apron and hardtop for about 1/2 of it and hawk netting top for the other 1/2. I understand everyone cannot do this…I have 6-acres, but as much secure space you can provide will address many issues.
You are absolutely right, I get very attached to my animals. Thank you for sharing this!! I feel much better about my plans for a large coop and run, for a minute I felt like I was being "extra". Not to mention rain is a big concern here too! I didn't even think of them possibly avoiding the coop during the day. There is so much wisdom in taking a beat to address my personal concerns. I think maybe I am a little extra about some things, but it might be the difference between constant worry and peace of mind. This is SUCH a great post. I can't thank you enough!!

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