Hard boiled duck eggs?

My Mom and my brother were visiting a few weeks ago and I thought I would make them deviled eggs. I didn't have any mustard so my brother ran out to get some. When he came back I had to explain to him that the plan had changed. We were going to have egg salad instead!

Any guess how old those eggs should be before you boil them?
This is what I do with mine when I don't have 6 hens sitting on their eggs the greedy little nasty witches. As soon as I take them off the fire I dunk them in ice water, water with ice literally. Every now and then I'll have one that the shell cracks on and I'm forced to eat it right away!
When I say my egg was old that peeled SO nicely, it was about 2 to 3 weeks old. I had been boiling very fresh, maybe 2 or 3 days.
It's best to wait two to three weeks before boiling any farm fresh eggs so that they are easier to peel. I tell this to everyone buying chicken, or ducks from me.
I wish I liked egg :( My babygirl's been laying for a couple months now and we have nowhere to put the eggs! I do like hard boiled eggs so maybe I'll just try them.
I do a little better cracking the egg and running cold water over it as I peel, but-- I feed all my egg shells back out, and they love it with a little egg white stuck to the shell, so no loss there!
I read salt water was suppose to make them peal easier i tried that didnt do a thing. So i just dont boil them anymore. I feel i waste most of the egg peeling the stupid thing! :)
Mine peel perfectly now after lots of trial and error. I use slightly older eggs. I don't really keep track of HOW old my eggs are, but I just don't use the brand new ones for boiling if I can help it. Also, DEFINITELY put them in some ice water or let them sit in the refrigerator and get cold before you try to peel them. It helps a lot!

I like hard boiled duck eggs much better than chicken eggs. The yolk is so smooth and creamy, and I don't think the white is too rubbery even though that's a complaint a lot of people make. They do need to be cooked longer than a chicken egg, though, because the white is so thick and the shells are so hard.
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I forgot where I read it but it was somewhere on this forum that with farm fresh eggs you should wait about 2 weeks to cook them like that, aside from it being mentioned above.
So, when I know I want some deviled eggs or hard boiled I go for the "older" eggs in the fridge. Works great..... On a side note, my mom has always told me to add a little vinegar to the water for easier peeling. That never works for me know.

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