Hard crop?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Nov 22, 2014
Hi! I went to give my Belgian d'anvers water and noticed one of the hens (Lucy) was standing quietly in the back while the other hens ran up to see what I was doing and get a drink. I picked her up and her crop was very hard and slightly enlarged. Then what really freaked me out was she was twisting her neck in weird jerky movements. She pooped twice but she won't eat or drink. My mom thought she ate way too much and she'll be better soon but I worry so I wanted some other opinions. Right now she's separated from the rest of the flock and I've massaged her crop and that seemed to help as now it's a little softer. Does anyone have any ideas on how to help?
The head movements are most likely her showing you that the contents of her crop are making her uncomfortable. Is her crop definitely hard? If so give her water, syringe some if you have to and massage her crop. If her crop feels like a water balloon then its sour and that requires a different treatment. If she is impacted don't give her anymore food as nothing will be going through. I recommend you message @TwoCrows as she helps me all the time and is great with crop problems! Good luck, let us know how she gets on! I will find TwoCrows thread on crops for you incase she's not online, give me a sec!

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