hard dark callous? under hen's wing?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 17, 2013
Rutherfordton, NC
Please help! I just found a hard callous looking thing under the wing of one of my girls. It reminds me of the callouses dogs get on their "elbows". Dark and scaly and crusty looking. I haven't been able to get a picture without my rooster attacking me... different thread... Anyway, anyone know of anything this could be and what I can do about it? None of my other hens have it, although I am treating them all for louse. Yuck. It is hard, no oozing or puss, and she doesn't seem to be bothered when I poke at it. She is otherwise fine, eats, drinks, clucks like normal. The horrid part is I am moving and need to relocated them to a new chicken home. The girls are supposed to be going tonight which is why I was giving them a little wipe bath. I noticed a couple of weeks ago that she looked like she was molting above her tail, lower back, and she is also our Rooster's favorite... could it be a callous from his "loving"? Any suggestions??? Thanks.... if I am able I will post a picture...
Hi did you figure out what this was? My one chick has two hard dark pimple like spot on the top of her wings that sounds a lot like your hen!

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