Hardware cloth as coop floor


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 25, 2011
Hi I am planing on making a new coop in the spring and I got sum ideas one of them is to use hardware cloth for a floor and have a tray under it to catch the poo like a bird cage. has anyone done this how is it working for you photos will be help full.

I'm going to try 1/4" hardware cloth as a floor, but I'm going to put some sort of deep litter on it. I need to insulate the floor due to cold winter temps.
My coop has hardware cloth for the floor. In the winter, I cover it with shavings to keep it warmer in there but in the summer I just use a poop board under the roost (on top of the hardware cloth) so there is more ventilation. It seems to work well for me. This is my first coop so I've no experience with anything else! Most of the poop will not fall through to a poop board below, if that's what you were thinking. The board would have to be on top of the cloth.
My coop has hardware cloth for the floor. In the winter, I cover it with shavings to keep it warmer in there but in the summer I just use a poop board under the roost (on top of the hardware cloth) so there is more ventilation. It seems to work well for me. This is my first coop so I've no experience with anything else! Most of the poop will not fall through to a poop board below, if that's what you were thinking. The board would have to be on top of the cloth.

I agree, chicken poop is way too big to fall through hardware cloth. I know there is at least on person on here that build a pull out floor and she just cleans it everyday.
It really doesn't make a lot of sense to use hardware cloth as flooring and then cover it with something else.

There are cheaper, easier, more durable options

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