Hardware cloth vs chicken wire

I learned the chicken wire thing the hard way. Don't use it. Also, I saw someone who used pennies instead of washers with their screws. Looked cute and cheap!
Ok I am throwing my 2 cents in this I used Dog kennel panels on my coop run and Chicken wire double wrapped around my entire run and coop....there has been no issue. While my neighbor has lost a total of 10 out of 10 chickens because he has not secured the coop. Also for the roof of the run I used double layer chicken wire secured by wire strips to the sides and stapled to the 2X4's over the top Picture below shows it.

I have only had ONE and one time a skunk get in the run under the door I have since buried chicken wire 18" down and out all around. I did not lose anything the skunk was eating the chicken feed. he never came back as I dispatched him ( next time I will wait until he leaves the run to do this as it stunk for 3 days by the chickens)

So Chicken wire is NOT all bad. BUT should not be used by itself. It can be used with 2X4 welded wire as that is cheaper then hardware cloth.

Since I posted in 2010 I am now a firm believer that nothing is written in stone so what works for each of us is great! Of one method works for you then use it. :)
I know lots of people who use hardware cloth on the bottom and chicken wire on top....I am going to be one of them with the new pens we will build as soon as dh recovers from broken ankle. We will put hardware cloth on the bottom of our dog pens/now chicken pens too. Coons and others can reach through and yes, tear through chicken wire. We are securing the bottom few feet with the hardware cloth. Now our run is mostly chicken wire but there are no chickens in there after dark. We have never had a predator go into the run...................in three years..........knock on wood. We around most of the time anyway.
Oh, don't forget to bury some wire about six inches under ground on the outside of the pens/runs so predators can't dig under. That is very important.

Since I posted in 2010 I am now a firm believer that nothing is written in stone so what works for each of us is great! Of one method works for you then use it. :)
So did this work for you? Do you have chicken wire or hardware cloth on your coop openings?
I'm building a coop and this is such great information. Thanks everyone, for posting.
I've had a 48" roll of 1" chicken wire rolling around in the back of the pickup for a couple of days until I can return it. I'm definitely going for the hardware cloth. I found some at the Co-Op in Marysville in 48" rolls. It's expensive, but I like my chickens so I'll pay extra so they'll be safe. We have possums and coyotes, and I imagine we have skunks and racoons around here too.
What do you all use for over the top of your run? We have eagles, red tailed hawks and turkey vultures.

Thanks :)
I've had my chickens for a long while and they sit on the side of a FOREST with chicken wire and we've been "attacked"several times but the raccoon never got through the wire (it dug under and the girls are fine) I think it's what ever works best for you
Glad to see someone prove my point on here about all methods....nothing is written in stone! You are so right-what ever works for the individual. Yes there are basic guidelines but feel free to do your own thing. :)

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