Harrison County MS Codes


7 Years
Aug 26, 2012
Hi, looking to move to Harrison County Mississippi Long Beach area does anyone know the codes about keeping birds and goats?
We, currently keep about 30 birds which include ducks, geese, turkeys and chickens and two goats. I've looked on the County website and didn't find any info that was helpful, knowing the codes will make looking for a home much easier. I'd hate to give up our birds, we've come to like them way too much to not have birds, I just can't bring myself to buy eggs at a store.

On another note I'd like to start meeting or hearing from BYC lovers in MS, the one thing we'll miss from moving is the friends we've made and come to love by raising chickens.

Thanks and hope to here from some of you southern Chickeners.
Mike and Stacey
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