Has anyone created an App?


[IMG]emojione/assets/png/2665.png?v=2.2.7[/IMG] Si
11 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Waco, Texas
I was wondering how hard it would be to build your own app. I know nothing about web designing, coding, etc. But would like to build an app myself. Any ideas?
Well I dont want to give it away, but of course it would be chicken related.
Android or iOS?

Well I have an android, but I would want everyone to be able to use it. Iphones, droids, etc.
If someone knew how to design apps I may even be willing to team up with them. As I think this would be a great idea and chicken owners would love it!
Android or iOS?

Well I have an android, but I would want everyone to be able to use it. Iphones, droids, etc.

For normal apps, you would have to make something like 4 different versions. As far as I know, the "main" phones nowdays are iOS, Android, win7, and Blackberry. Symbian is falling fast, so I don't count it. webOS doesn't have enough market share to really be worthwhile IMHO. The app would have to be almost completely rewritten for each platform you want to support. Totally different programming languages and libraries. Not to count the enourmous cost of developing. You'd need one of each device, because the emulators are worthless foobar. And to develop for iOS, you have to have a Mac.

Now webapps on the other hand...
One version, which would work on any device that has a web browser. In-car navigation systems, coming right up!
meeGO ftw! OK, so I got a bit carried away, but you get my point. You can use the language of your choice, etc. You don't have to rely on Apple or Google or Microsoft or RIM or whomever to approve your app, because it's on the internet for anyone who wishes to use it. Also, the app store won't take a cut of your cash. Niceness much.

I'd love to answer any questions or help you get started!
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