Has anyone got bar-headed geese?

Since 2014 post we got a goose, she finally layed and got an egg stuck and died. Back to the lonely gander. We love the barheads and would love to have another goose or pair. Please TM or call (541)619-5123.
They may be available at Sylvan Heights Waterfowl Park in North Carolina. It was they only place I found who had them. The owner has supplied birds to other parks and to institutions. Not sure if he sells to general public, but worth a try.
I was sent eggs from eBay that did not develop, and I doubt very much were bar bearded geese eggs at all, just a scan. Lesson learned there.
They may be available at Sylvan Heights Waterfowl Park in North Carolina. It was they only place I found who had them. The owner has supplied birds to other parks and to institutions. Not sure if he sells to general public, but worth a try.
I was sent eggs from eBay that did not develop, and I doubt very much were bar bearded geese eggs at all, just a scan. Lesson learned there.
Thank-You, I have contacted them. We'll see???
Just was looking on internet about bar-headed geese and saw your message. I got lovely youngsters if you are still interested, you also can see their parents. They are great birds to keep and very good parents.
Do you still have this type of goose ? Do you sell eggs or have a website ?

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