Has Anyone Mixed These Breeds Together ( Just Out Of Curiosity)

Brandi Lee

Dec 31, 2017
Northern California
Hi there my name is Brandi and I have a few questions, hopefully people don't get too angry with my questions.
Question #1: Has anyone crossbred a White Sultan to a polish? If so do you have any pictures? I'm just curious as to what they'd look like.
Question #2: Has anyone crossed a Polish to a standard Cochin ( Large Breed)? if so do you have pictures of what that'd look like.
Question #3: Has anyone crossbred a polish to a standard Cochin? if so do you have pictures of what that'd look like as well?
Question #4: Has anyone crossed a white sultan to a silkie? If so do you have pictures of what that'd look like?
Question #5: Has anyone crossed a polish to a silkie? If so do you have pictures of what that'd look like?

I'm not looking to breed but I will have a mixed flock of these breeds and I was just curious incase someone asked me if I had fertile eggs for their own personal incubators and if they have questions I would like to make sure I had at least some answers. I am going to sell fresh eggs for eating and I just wanted to have answers incase someone wanted some hatching eggs.:D
I have not......but I will say.....I do hope the big Cochin will be a female. The roosters of that breed are gigantic! Would hate to read that you had a male and he crushed your little females.

Oh yes, the cochins are female. .NO way would I add a rooster!! The only roosters in my flock are the white sultan and the white crested blue polish lol. .I wouldn't jeopardize my bird's safety. Thank you so much for responding:D

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