Has anyone ordered from Sandhill?


13 Years
Apr 6, 2010
I am thinking about ordering some ducklings from Sandhill. I've got show-quality runner ducks, mostly from Holderread lines, and would like to add some "new blood", but I'm not sure of Sandhill's quality. I'd hate to spend the money and 6 months of time and effort only to find out that they have hatchery quality runners.

Anyone have any pics of their birds? Looking mostly for the greys (mallard), blacks, and whites.

I am in the same boat. I got a trio from Holdereads Grey Runners and would like to get a few more of Show Quality for breeding, I "read" that Sandhill got some of Holderreads Greys , but I can't verify that.. I heard they preserve the breeds, but not necessarily to top standards, at least from the chicken people on here. I haven't seen a single Pic of their ducks or geese, frustrating....
id like to know too
Well, if they have Holderread greys, then I'd still have the same bloodlines, and it would be a mute point. Unless, of course, they've had theirs for a few generations.

There are a lot of really good Runner breeders in this country. I would suggest a breeder instead of a hatchery. I've seen some photos of some really outstanding Runners in The Poultry Press.

I've also seen some really nice Runners right here on BYC, so we've got our own breeders of quality Runners.
Okay, with that in mind.....

Does anyone have any SQ Indian runners (ducklings or eggs) that are not holderread lines (or at least not for the last 3 generations??)
Sorry, Holderreads is where i went for mine.
I have gotten birds from Sand Hill but they were the Golden Cascades.
Sand Hill knows quality and they have often purchased from Holderreads. If I had more money and time I would purchase a lot more from Holderreads but also look around for breeders that maybe have been working with their bloodlines for a long time and hope to get a bit of diversity.
I called Sandhill today: they said that a lot of their runner stock (and other ducks as well) come from Holderreads, but that they've had them for "quite a few years"...... At least a few gernerations, she said. Johnson's Waterfowl said the same thing about their grey (mallard) runners as well.

So the search continues..............


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