Has anyone seen an Easter egger with these color patterns?

Yes, I have one with the same basic pattern! Meet Chichi! I wonder if anyone knows how you get this color, Chichi is the sweetest and most personable girl I have. This photo is about 4 weeks outdated, I will try to get a new one tonight. What color eggs are yours laying? This girl has probably another month to go before I find out.


No but she's pretty
mmhm.. but mine is lighter and does not have a beard. You can barely tell her head is gray in this pic but it's gotten darker and she has a completely red breast now with some gray lacing like the others shown.

What a beautiful color combination with the blue head/neck and cream and red body.

This brings up a question I don't know where else to pose: Can an "easter-egger" include any breed combination mixed with Araucana that lays colored eggs?

I'd really like to know, and information out there in goggle-land is very hazy on this.

What a beautiful color combination with the blue head/neck and cream and red body.

This brings up a question I don't know where else to pose: Can an "easter-egger" include any breed combination mixed with Araucana that lays colored eggs?

I'd really like to know, and information out there in goggle-land is very hazy on this.

That's a good question I hope someone has the answer

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