Has anyone seen these yet?

OK so super cute and all. DH said he could build them if I really wanted it.
Issues I see....
I have limited space. I need to have it raised. It would not be as cute.
How on earth would you clean it without breaking your back.
Roosting on the roof would not be so cute with all the poo streaks in the morning.

Sigh.... Back to the drawing board for me.
They are very cute, but they arent very useable. They are certainly not cost efficient. They are just cute.
They are just lipstick on a pig..........

It would be good for silkies. I will eventually get one for my silkies. Just build a pickett fence around the front for a run with a cute gate! And silkies can't fly to get on top, so they won't poop all over it!
That would make an ADORABLE Silkie house!!!!!!
you would have to be a hobbit to comfortably clean out that coop! ;o
how about instead a hobbit hole facade that they could climb upon &/or under, maybe a nest box or just a shady place underneath.
and for 2,799. one could build the entire shire!

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