Has this egg begun internal pipping? PICS Included!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 5, 2010

Has this egg begun internal pipping?

The pics are taken at a different angles and distances.
Also, there are only 3 pics.
The other 3, I just copied and drew a line on where the 'crack' was.
So then, you guys could easily compare the actual picture with the copied version of that picture that has a black line over the crack.


PS; They are on Day 25 now and still, I have seen no movement.

Please, I need to know ASAP!!!

Thanks In Advance!
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I didn't look at the pics(dial up) But if an egg has internally pipped, you should be able to hear peeping. Also upon candling(an internally pipped egg) Yopu'll see a little beak, moving around in the air cell. If they have internally pipped...you shouldn't be candling them
I actually just read your whole post. If those are chicken eggs(21 day incubation) and you are on day 25 and you see no movement and hear no peeping, I personally would discard them.

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