Hatch day was Sunday, should I open the hatcher to get chicks?


8 Years
Feb 2, 2011
Wasilla Alaska
Hatch day was sunday, had a number hatch during the day. Now I set 5 in the bottom of the sportsman 1550 hatcher just so I could watch them, all 5 hathed. There are 19 eggs in the top tray, I can't see how many have hatched but when I shine a light in, I see chicks moving. Would it be safe to turn off the unit so it doesn't blow out the humidity, quickly open it and remove any fluffy chicks and slide the tray back into the hatcher to give any late bloomers a chance.

Or, should I just leave them in there for another day since i know they can last 3 days and take them all out Tuesday?
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i remove mine all during the hatch. at least 3-5 times a day i open to see if there are any new hatched chicks. this lockdown thing i do not agree with. and i have hatched thousands of chicks and quail.

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