Hatch time? after a few temp flux UPDATED


silent stalker
10 Years
Nov 1, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
So this is our first hatch. We had done our studying up, lots of reading, set up the bator, blah, blah, blah.

Then after a week, we got a call that hubby was needed to do some work down south and we had to load up and drive down. I was a little worried, but we had the eggs in a turner, hooked everything up to a power cell in the car. We stopped a couple of times before hitting the interstate to be sure the temp was holding, and it was. Then somehow in the last 20 or 30 mins, the temp dropped to 80 degrees. I was worried, but we hoped for the best. Same story coming home, the temp dropped again. However, after candling them at day 18 when we pulled the egg turner out everything still looked good. Then that night I went to check on them before bed and the temp was almost 120. I flipped, hubby had bumped it up cause he thought it was too low from pulling them out and forgot to check back till I found them an hour later. I just squalled and knew they were all going to die. However today was 21, and if nothing happened by tomorrow I was going to start opening them up. But tonight we can hear peeps from a couple of eggs and the later its gotten the stronger they sound, no pips yet; but I'm wondering if we might get any healthy babies after that crazy temp deal. How long would you give them before taking them out?

Well we lost power last night around 1 am, and didn't get it back till 2 pm. At 10 this morning when I realized we had no power I took the eggs dow the road to a friend's house to get the temp back up. I couldn't get any to chirp back at me this morning, but one faint little cheep when we moved them. Is there any chance these babies are going to hatch now?
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It doesn't sound good. I think I would start candling them to see if you see any movement. Good Luck.
I just wanted to thank everyone for all the thoughts/advice. We had one that hatched and is looking pretty good this morning. It's walking a little funny, but seems to be straightening up the more time that passes. We also are hearing a little peeping from one more egg, when hubby gets home tonight, we are going to try to candle them and see if we have any still alive and moving. Now we've just got to keep our little miracle chicky warm with no buddies.

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