HatchALong Game


Professional Chicken Chaser
Jul 18, 2023
The Keystone State
So I got a new incubator an exact copy of the one I already have and have put the following hatching eggs in to hatch. I also have some eggs from my flock in there as well. The hatching eggs just came today at 3:00 PM so I'm going to let them set overnight and then place them into hatch. So I have 35 eggs going into set total. Your probably wondering why the title says hatchalong Game. Well you can't pick what egg you root for. You have to match the emoji with the emoji match I was thinking. You have 5 tries per egg. Don't worry you will get an A for effort. Then I have name choices for each color you choose. Tell me your favorite color and thats what will reveal the name! All that will reveal what egg you are going to root for and what name! Have fun and take you time!

1. White Leghorn hatching egg

2. Buff Orpington hatching egg

3. Flock egg

4. Blue Andalusian

5. Rhode Island Red

6. Flock Egg

7. Flock Egg

8. Cream Legbar

9. Flock Egg

10. White Leghorn

11. White Leghorn

12. Buff Orpington

14. Flock Egg - @Certified Chicken Lover

15 Rhode Island Red

16. Flock Egg - @Certified Chicken Lover

17. Olive Egger

18. Cream Legbar

19 Black Copper Maran - @Antiocheggers

20. White Silkie

21. Blue Silkie

22. Easter Egger

23. Easter Egger

24. Flock Egg

25. Black Copper Maran

Continued in a different post below...
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