Hatcher Question


9 Years
Jan 26, 2011
I currently use a GQF 1588 incubator and it works great. I'm thinking about buying another incubator to use as a hatcher. Since the 1588 is circulated air, does the new hatcher need to be circulated air too or can it be thermal air? Of course the thermal air incubators are much cheaper which is always nice, but I don't want to lose my eggs at lockdown just because I went from circulated to thermal. Thanks for any help.
I currently use a GQF 1588 incubator and it works great. I'm thinking about buying another incubator to use as a hatcher. Since the 1588 is circulated air, does the new hatcher need to be circulated air too or can it be thermal air? Of course the thermal air incubators are much cheaper which is always nice, but I don't want to lose my eggs at lockdown just because I went from circulated to thermal. Thanks for any help.

Hi - I use 1588's too and love them. I bought a still air to use as a hatcher but because the temp is not preset and can change due the surrounding temps I didn't trust it- some days it was just right at 102 (the temp for still airs) and other days it would shoot up and I kept it in a room with the drapes closed. Bottom line for me was that I have a few 1588's and I hatch in them because I trust them.

Don't know if that helps!
Adding a pc fan to a still air incubator is quite simple. Its also cheap and turns a simple incubator into an automatic hatching machine. If you go with another as a hatcher then I would add the fan.

All incubators use thermal air to create a convection current to heat the eggs. I think you mean still air vs forced air. Still air are more susceptible to create thermal layers that are not indicative of desired thermometer readings.
Thanks for the replies. Yes, Juicy, I do mean still air rather than thermal.
For the reasons you and laurelm both state, I've decided to just suck it up and buy another 1588. I've had very good luck with my current one so I don't want to jinx myself. Thanks!

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