Hatchery barred breed of some sort....

TSC usually carries more than one type of chick for sure! Are you sure these came from Privett hatchery? They only breed California greys and the chicks look exactly like your picture!

Hi, Privett supplies tons of differ
Take it for what it's worth....(is that the saying?)
I read yesterday on someones FB post (as I was doing a goole search for Privett) that they have been temporarily closed?!?

Privett is not closed, their site is just under construction. And they ship LOTS of breeds. We'll send them the photos and find out exactly.
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Thankyou, I did. I've been googling images of all the barred chicks that they could be and it's so hard to see any difference in any of them. Of the adults, the barred Leghorns and the Cali Greys look exactly the same. And it looks like the only real way to tell between BA's and CM's might be by leg color... bleh.

Hey there, can you tell me which TSC store you bought them at? And it was 2 weeks ago? Edit: Saw it was Thatcher, AZ!
Were they from the mixed bantams tank or you just didn't see the tank sign?
I will have the TSC team send the pics to Privett and they can tell you for sure :)
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Thanks! The bantams and straight run are usually mixed, but all the pullets should be labeled. We will figure it out. Beautiful chicks, either way. Barreds, definitely.
Hey there, can you tell me which TSC store you bought them at? And it was 2 weeks ago? Edit: Saw it was Thatcher, AZ!
Were they from the mixed bantams tank or you just didn't see the tank sign?
I will have the TSC team send the pics to Privett and they can tell you for sure :)

Thankyou! No, the mixed bantams were in a different bin. These kids were mixed in with Barnevelders, at least that's the sign they had up. They could have been tossed in with them after the fact as there were only about 10 of each. I should have just picked Barnevelders... :p They had four bins going at the time. This one, the bantams, cornish x's, and sexlinks.
How many total of each breed you mentioned do you have?

Precios..all of them little fluffy butts!

We have 16 chicks total. 15 female, and 1 male. I ordered all from my pet chicken, they all came in very healthy and happy :) we wanted a wide variety so we could have the color egg thing going. We ended up with chocolate brown layers, Brown layers, brown with dark speckled, white, cream, blues, and greens. To do so I ended up buying the following:
2 Rhode Island Reds
1 Golden Cuckoo Maran
1 Blue Splash Maran
1 Welsummer
1 Light Brown Leghorn
1 Silver Gray Dorking
2 Blue Favaucana
2 Created Cream Legbar
3 Easter Eggers
And our one baby Roo. He's a Blue Ameraucana. Supposedly pure breed they say on their website. Only Ameraucanas pures they sell.
Here she is by herself at about a week old

Here she is now, at 12 days.

Here she is with some of the rest of her flock

She certainly looks alot like mine, but with more white on the head and much less on the front. Mine are white pretty much from the chin to the butt. The feet and wings look almost exactly the same.
Looks like you have a nice little mix there! How fun!

Thankyou! No, the mixed bantams were in a different bin. These kids were mixed in with Barnevelders, at least that's the sign they had up. They could have been tossed in with them after the fact as there were only about 10 of each. I should have just picked Barnevelders... :p They had four bins going at the time. This one, the bantams, cornish x's, and sexlinks.
The hatchery says they are Barred Rocks :)
She certainly looks alot like mine, but with more white on the head and much less on the front.  Mine are white pretty much from the chin to the butt.  The feet and wings look almost exactly the same.  

Looks like you have a nice little mix there!  How fun!
thank you :) we are very much happy with our little bundles of fluff and feathers. We got very lucky that they all came in without a hitch and no pasty butt to boot! I feel for you in the sense of trying to figure it out, it's so hard when they are small and all look so similar. If they are Cuckoo in a few weeks you'll know for sure. It's a shoot when you buy multiplies that look similar or some from a misc. bin but still always fun :)
The upside if they are barred rocks they are epic layers, and hearty at that. You take a hit in egg production when you go for the multi or near colors a lot of the time. Marans tend to lay 3, maybe 4 eggs a week they say on their website, verses barred rocks lay 5/6, even 7 sometimes.
The hatchery says they are Barred Rocks :)

Thankyou! Do you know how Privett BA's usually turn out? If they breed a fairly heavy strain, or if they're the smaller ones focusing on egg production? I read on the Buckeye club website that they get their Buckeyes from Sand Hill Preserve, and I really like my Australorps from them.

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