Hatchery called...


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 10, 2011
we just got the call from the hatchery and the good news is that the chicks are on their way!
and I'm not sure if it is bad news but one of the breeds we chose welsummer, is not available at this time so they are substituting a black copper marans. we ordered these chicks months ago so of course I was in love with the breeds I thought we were getting, but I couldn't wait so I said the Marans would be fine...I guess I just have 1st time chicken mommy nerves, but I would love to hear how much you all love Black Copper Marans!
I can imagine how you feel. All that time spent pouring over the hatchery catalog/glued to the computer screen, analyzing the characteristics of each breed.

BCMs are lovely birds. Cute little feather-footed chicks headed your way!!!!!!! And the eggs are so beautiful. Here is a picture of the Brinsea cooking BCM eggs. All the dark spotted ones are BCM. They are much darker in person, the flash tends to make them appear lighter.


And now you can put Welsummers on next years wish list!
Diamond Wire Farms your eggs are gorgeous!! Thanks to you and grammypam plus pouring over the BCM thread in the breeds section I'm getting pretty excited! but I'm not sure I can wait until next year for the welsummers, this so called "chicken math" has gotten a hold of me, and I've already called my local feed store to see if they can are going to have any welsummers this spring!
Those chocolate eggs layers are great! Welsummer eggs may be more speckled, Marans smooth, but the birds are both wonderful. I had to pass on three month-old Marans pullets today, and I'm still sad about it. But my husband would explode if I even asked for more chickens!

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