Hatchery tempretures - how accurate do they need to be?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 8, 2011
I need to make a hatchery to transfer eggs into at day 19, how precise do the hatchery temps need to be? Would accuracy too 2 degree's fahrenheit be good?

I'm planning on making one using garden heating cable and a bio green gardening socket thermostat which is accurate to about 2 degree fahrenheit. I already have a auto-turn brinsea incubator, but I need to keep adding more eggs mid-hatch, so need seperate hatcher to transfer eggs too.

99.5 isn't going to be possible, so need to figure out if its worth making a hatcher or should I buy one. This is just for the last three days. Before that they'll be in a incubator at 99.5 for 19 days. It's only the last three days.

Just buy a styrofoam (sp?) little giant incubator with no turner. About $45-$50 but SO worth it! Hatch rates have gone way up here since we started doing that

Good luck! Lockdown is the most intense 3 days eveeeeerrrr!
Thanks Jen, I'm in the UK and they don't sell them here. I get the impression that temps in the last three days still must stay at 99.5 F ? I guess I'll need a second incubator
yes we run 3 incubators and we got a styrofoam little giant that we picked up along the way that we use just for hatching and works great and not expensive... in order for you to have a good hatch rate. you need to be at 99.5 as much as possible. your last 3 days is the most important..................
Ok, thanks for the replies
I found a styrofoam incubator on ebay in the UK for $50 (£25). Staggered hatches can be a pain, but it's so hard finding all the eggs to fill the incubator in one go
Good luck with your hatches. I do staggered hatches too so I have separate styrofoam incubators to hatch in. They work great.

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