Hatching chick into existing flock


6 Years
Mar 30, 2018
We lost a chicken not long ago. We only had four to begin with, and would like to add another, but I know it wouldn't easily be accepted. I also know not to buy one chick and try to integrate it.

Our remaining buff orp goes broody about once a month. If we obtained a fertilized egg, and she hatched it, would the new chick be accepted? The buff is not top chicken, but holds her own against the other two. I don't want to attempt it if it isn't going to work.

If it will work, what things should I be prepared for?
First thing that comes to mind is that egg you get, may or may not hatch.
second thing is it has a fifty percent chance of being a rooster. Are you wanting a rooster?
If you could find a source of day old sexed chicks, and could get one female, put the chick under the hen at night, she would raise it for you and do all the flock integration for you. This does work quite often.
First thing that comes to mind is that egg you get, may or may not hatch.
second thing is it has a fifty percent chance of being a rooster. Are you wanting a rooster?
If you could find a source of day old sexed chicks, and could get one female, put the chick under the hen at night, she would raise it for you and do all the flock integration for you. This does work quite often.

I had wondered about putting a live chick under her, but wasn't sure how that worked. I would much prefer to get a female, but I am not sure if I can get just one chick anywhere. TS requires a minimum purchase of four here. If the timing is right, I can get just one when TS does the livestock outdoor sale, where people sell their own animals. There are lots of chicks then.

How would it work? Does she need to be sitting on an egg, and I just leave it until we switch? Would we have to leave her broody for around the same time as it would take to hatch a chick, then switch?

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