Hatching chicks and ducklings together?

Yes much help I am in my 19th day so I what to cover all ground that I can if something would to come up and I need to act fast.
Yes this is my first batch I have mostly chicks now as I didn't realize until yesterday that all my pekins are all females. :(
This was my over sight but on the good side I bought 8 little pekins to get my flock up and hopefully get a drake I cant go wrong with 8 could u ?

Howd it go any pips or hatches :)
Ahah im gonna get a few after my hatch so if they get stuck could u help me
Its a 60 egg manual hexagon incubator,mwhat are ur thoughts on it, is it a good or model or .............
Ok would i get that on ebay ?
you can get chick starter at any feed store? What were you feeding your chicks before?? I thought you said you had hatched out some??
I just gave them porridge oats for about 5 weeks, and then i gave them crushed food pellets
From what I have read here on the forums chicks tend to pick at the duck's do to the packing order.
I have feed my duckling's and chick's chick starter feed but changed it to Flock Raiser I have a bag of dumor chick starter grower as well
they are good for both.
I would recommend Flock Raiser for either or.
I have raised chicks with my ducks but the only problem I found is ducks do grow faster, in three weeks my ducks are outside but since they grew up with the chicks the chicks want to go outside too. However, when it comes to time to take a bath. I have to watch my chicks because they tend to want to be with the ducks while the ducks are in the pool and try to be a duck. So it's one precaution that you must watch.

When they are little I have never had a pecking order problem with chicks and ducks, but when they get older, all new ball game. Once the ducks get more independent they tend to lose interest in a chicken and start hanging out with there own kind..

I use flock raiser as well but not for babies. They get it when they are adults..
Ahah im gonna get a few after my hatch so if they get stuck could u help me
Its a 60 egg manual hexagon incubator,mwhat are ur thoughts on it, is it a good or model or .............
Ok would i get that on ebay ?
give me a shut when the time gets closer. Remember ducks go in first then chickens. Got to have lock down set for the same day for both and then you shouldn't have any problems.

Ducks need to be laid down, I have tried in the upright position and have lost several each time. Chickens can be in upright position but not ducks.
give me a shut when the time gets closer.  Remember ducks go in first then chickens.  Got to have lock down set for the same day for both and then you shouldn't have any problems.

Ducks need to be laid down, I have tried in the upright position and have lost several each time.  Chickens can be in upright position but not ducks.

I didn't know chicks could eve set up in an upright position, ahah I always laid them down :lol: and thanks :) what do u think of the incubator is ok or .......
I didn't know chicks could eve set up in an upright position, ahah I always laid them down
and thanks
what do u think of the incubator is ok or .......

I think your bator will be fine, has some really good reviews.

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