Hatching chicks


8 Years
Oct 22, 2015
Central Missouri
My Black Australorp just hatched 4 chicks yay! There are 3 eggs in the nesting box that are still developing, but my hen has already left the nesting box with the chicks that have already hatched. I would love for the 3 remaining eggs to hatch too. I do not have an incubator, and I really would prefer not to buy one because I would probably not use it beyond this time. What can I do to 'finish' hatching these eggs, if anything? Thank you in advance for your advice and help!
Thank you. I just put her back in the nesting box with the hatchlings for the night and I blocked the opening so everyone will just be contained for the night. I will look into your suggestions in the morning and get my education on! Thank you again.

Most welcome - hope it works out for you.

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