Hatching Disappointment


10 Years
Mar 6, 2009
Clio Michigan
I set 24 Amerucana eggs. I had 10 hatch. My last hatch was 90%. This time less than 50%. I wondering what I did wrong. Is it possible that this hatch was different because the eggs were shipped? I'm disappointed in my hatching ability. Next time I hope it goes better.
Shipped eggs never hatch as well as your own. You were just two chicks away from a 50% hatch rate, which is considered a good hatch! So you did well!
My last hatch was shipped eggs and 9 of 18 hatched but they just traveled from one end of the state to the other. Now I have a batch set that traveled a long distance and I will be happy if I get any to hatch!
Have fun with your babies!!
That's considered a good hatch for shipped eggs! Shipped eggs have a lower chance of hatching than eggs that haven't been shipped. Don't be disappointed--celebrate your good hatch!
Congrats on your 10 chicks! I set 46 Ameraucana eggs & all of them died except for one that I'm helping hatch now & things still aren't looking good for him. My eggs weren't even shipped but picked up locally! Post pics if you can (=
For shipped eggs, I'm happy with anything over 25%. There are so many things that can go wrong (temp fluctuations, ruptured air cells, concussion, x-rays, etc.) that it's really a miracle any hatch. Congrats on your 10 babies!
you can get good hatches with shipped eggs too I hatched 13 out of 16 eggs I got from green fire farms, it all has to do with the freshness of theggs and how the post office handles them

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