Hatching Double yolk Quail

I have no idea what happened :( had almost full absorbed it's yolk. There was only one but it passed and stopped moving. I looked through the egg and all I could find was the second yolk was very nasty and the baby had it in its nose and mouth
I am so sorry. :hugs You did nothing wrong. Twins are rare to hatch because there isn't enough room for both if them inside the shell, it's made for one bird only. Usually one dies right before lock down which will generally kill the other developing bird too. Twins hatch but it's very rare. I am super sorry. :hugs
I am so sorry. :hugs You did nothing wrong. Twins are rare to hatch because there isn't enough room for both if them inside the shell, it's made for one bird only. Usually one dies right before lock down which will generally kill the other developing bird too. Twins hatch but it's very rare. I am super sorry. :hugs
My other one has pipped a lot. It's making breathing motions one per second. Is that normal
I usually hatch my coturnix around 50-55%, you might want to double check your incubators temp 19th day and just pipping is on the late end of hatching for coturnix. GOOD LUCK love to see pics of littles after hatch. Sorry to hear about the loss of the double yolk egg but as others have said they very rarely make it to hatch.
I usually hatch my coturnix around 50-55%, you might want to double check your incubators temp 19th day and just pipping is on the late end of hatching for coturnix. GOOD LUCK love to see pics of littles after hatch. Sorry to hear about the loss of the double yolk egg but as others have said they very rarely make it to hatch.
I just noticed when I put the next batch on lock down that another is a double. But it's normal sized. Ugh here we go again

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