Hatching Duck eggs....I messed up...UPDATE.....#1

Bouncer and Sam moved into the new Coop..It was sad because they are both scared of the dark...:(.....
The Coop needs a new ramp and a few modifications but for now it's better than being in the brooder..:)

Samantha is looking up because my crazy Cat was walking up top on the tarp...lol...;)
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Bouncer and Sam moved into the new Coop..It was sad because they are both scared of the dark...
The Coop needs a new ramp and a few modifications but for now it's better than being in the brooder..

Samantha is looking up because my crazy Cat was walking up top on the tarp...lol...
They are grown up already. Amazing! and so pretty, can they walk up the ramp too?
Bouncer and Sam moved into the new Coop..It was sad because they are both scared of the dark...:( ..... The Coop needs a new ramp and a few modifications but for now it's better than being in the brooder..:) Samantha is looking up because my crazy Cat was walking up top on the tarp...lol...;)
They are grown up already. Amazing! and so pretty, can they walk up the ramp too?
No, I have the hole blocked off...;).....Today I will remove that ramp.....My Husband is building a wider, more Duck friendly one....I just pick them up for now and put them inside the coop for the night..:)....They sure love being outside...:)..... Also my Husband needs to build a door so they cant get out at night from the coop...:(...I put cardboard over the hole..;) They sure are Big...:)
Well, I can relate to ducks who don't want to be in new spaces. Mine finally learned to come out of their house in this morning, but today (third day) they decided it was a tad chilly and damp (morning dew!) to hang about outside, so they pigged out, drank a lot of water, ate some sand, and went back inside to sleep it off. I haven't seen them for the last hour or more. Yesterday they thought it was too hot in the afternoon so after dunking and preening they all went back inside their house to sleep off the hot part of the day. They have shade under their tee, but nooo, let's take our toys and go home.
Well, I can relate to ducks who don't want to be in new spaces.  Mine finally learned to come out of their house in this morning, but today (third day) they decided it was a tad chilly and damp (morning dew!) to hang about outside, so they pigged out, drank a lot of water, ate some sand, and went back inside to sleep it off.  I haven't seen them for the last hour or more.  Yesterday they thought it was too hot in the afternoon so after dunking and preening they all went back inside their house to sleep off the hot part of the day.  They have shade under their tee, but nooo, let's take our toys and go home.  :rolleyes:

I went and let Bouncer and Samantha out this morning....Bouncer was sure happy to see me!..lol...They are now out in the bottom part of the coop....:)
Well, I can relate to ducks who don't want to be in new spaces. Mine finally learned to come out of their house in this morning, but today (third day) they decided it was a tad chilly and damp (morning dew!) to hang about outside, so they pigged out, drank a lot of water, ate some sand, and went back inside to sleep it off. I haven't seen them for the last hour or more. Yesterday they thought it was too hot in the afternoon so after dunking and preening they all went back inside their house to sleep off the hot part of the day. They have shade under their tee, but nooo, let's take our toys and go home.
Where are the pics of your cuties haven't seen them in a while?
Hey I was thinking about Bouncer and Samantha being afraid of the dark. And I'll share with you what I have going.

My duck lives with her chicken girlfriends. I noticed she stays up later than the chickens ladies.
I see her move around at night like when the moon is bright. I installed a small inexpensive solar light over her water pan. Now she has her solar light and at any given time, she is able to get her drink and food.

I thought of this originally because last year I had a young possum visiting the chickens for a warm place to sleep.

And I wanted to see what might go bump in the night!
I don't know if you have a duck-alarm like I do...but mine goes quacking off if there is something to go quack about!!!
Hey I was thinking about Bouncer and Samantha being afraid of the dark. And I'll share with you what I have going.

My duck lives with her chicken girlfriends. I noticed she stays up later than the chickens ladies.
I see her move around at night like when the moon is bright. I installed a small inexpensive solar light over her water pan. Now she has her solar light and at any given time, she is able to get her drink and food. 

I thought of this originally because last year I had a young possum visiting the chickens for a warm place to sleep. :sick  
And I wanted to see what might go bump in the night! 
I don't know if you have a duck-alarm like I do...but mine goes quacking off if there is something to go quack about!!!:ya

Lol....:)......No, Bouncer and Samantha are scared of the dark because I had the heat lamp on for my hen and Chicks and also them....They never seen real dark...:(....I have no real night predators here except the fox or if a weasel finds my flock?.....No Raccoons or possum here...:)....

I have a little solar light I will hang out their window tonight..:)....Bouncer had lots to tell me this morning ..;).....

Thanks so much for your advise though..:)
I am having a complete dilemma ....My Drake wants to take his Hens to the wild Duck ponds and now the Wild Ducks are coming up here too.....Bindi my Dog chased them off this morning....Holy cow..Hormonal Drakes are crazy...lol...;)

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