Hatching Duck eggs....I messed up...UPDATE.....#1

Ok, I think I found the right thread.  Had a friend bring by three duck eggs last night.  Mama disappeared, and there were other chicken and duck eggs strewn along their back area...pretty sure it was a racoon.  Mama didn't return all day into the night. He called me later in the evening.   Yes, I took them, but gave one back, it for sure was not started, but the other two, had veins in them..the eggs were cold..but I told him I would let them warm up then recandle.  Sure enough, they were swimming around like crazy.  I've looked at chart..guessing around 8 to 10 days.    

I will candle and take photos tonight..then maybe I can get someone on here to give me a guesstament?   :D    I can't keep ducks, but have done this for him before.  It was a long time ago, and we really didn't know for sure then..they were pretty far along.  I just kept candling to see if they pipped internally.   I had a few hatch.  This time, he is guessing that mom was sitting for around a weeks time. 
Pretty sure the temp is the same as chicks...?    When to spray?  If I need to.  They are in a fan bator.  Right now I have them at around mid 40% humidity.  Need more? 

Thank you to the experts here!    :) 

I have mine set to 50%....The last week If needed? I drop down to 40% till lock down or till the air cells look right...I then lock down at 60%....I never spray my eggs...;).....I have excellent hatches....So far anyways..:)......It does sound as though the Ducks eggs are at around a week to 10 days if you can still see the embryos bouncing!...:)...Post a picture..:)
Got a few photos. I acidentally erased one of the second egg..

1st. egg upright..

1st egg sideways so you can see the air cell.

2nd egg upright, and it looks almost identical to the first egg sideways.

These babies were moving like crazy. :)
Thank you! I think I will go with in between 7 to 10 days...go 8 days .. yesterday! lol...Then lock down accordingly. Glad you mentioned that you don't spray. I wondered about that last time.
Thank you!  I think I will go with in between 7 to 10 days...go 8 days .. yesterday!  lol...Then lock down accordingly.  Glad you mentioned that you don't spray.  I wondered about that last time. 

Spraying them has the opposite effect...It draws out the moisture from the egg.....That's why I have not tried it..:)...No need to spray..:)....

I'm on day 13 with Call Duck eggs..I would say day 8 too..;).....

Best wishes...!...Let me know when they hatch..:)
I am so EXCITED!........Daisy my Buff is setting her eggs for sure!......I hope some hatch....;)......I will take a picture of her later in the Dog house on her nest...:).......

I am going to really have to try and find homes for all these Ducklings!...:)......31 if all my hatches hatch out?.....All due Between the 26th if April and May 14th......:(.....Yikes!...lol
I am so EXCITED!........Daisy my Buff is setting her eggs for sure!......I hope some hatch....
......I will take a picture of her later in the Dog house on her nest...

I am going to really have to try and find homes for all these Ducklings!...
......31 if all my hatches hatch out?.....All due Between the 26th if April and May 14th......

Yay!! Love your ducks!! More ducks = More Fun
Oh wow... Thirty one duckies? Lucky you! Hope you can find homes lol

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