Hatching duckling shrink wrapped?!


6 Years
Jan 5, 2015
One of my ducklings hatched a few hours ago and anouther two are close. One of the eggs is partly opened and I can see that the membrane is not attached to the shell. Is the duckling shrink wrapped? If so can I help it? It has been trying to hatch for several days

I took off some of the shell but part of the membrane is extremely hard and stuck to him. What should I do
So I gpt him out of the egg but the membrane is stuck onto his back and is hard. The skin around it is also hard. It looks bloody, like it's welded to his skin. How do I get it off?
I think one of the other hatching chicks may be dead. It has also been hatching since Thursday but it's not moving anymore and didn't react when I touched it.... It's head isn't at the opening. Should I open the egg to see if it's shrink wrapped too?
Take the shrink wrapped chick out, wet your fingers with luke warm water(about 100F) gently wet(a couple drops is enough) the membranes that are stuck to it, wait a minute or so for the membranes to soften, then as gently as possible peel them from the chick. Be cautious of pulling too hard on wings and legs that are stuck. Return the chick to the Hatcher/incubator to dry off, warm up and recover for a few hours.

Good luck. I usually unwrap mummified chicks the day after they pip, and have decent success. My pheasants have been a pain this year.
Thanks. I got most of it off but now other problems are arising and I started another thread. I think it has splayed legs, it is very small, and it has deformed eyes (one is huge and the other is barely open). If you could read through that thread and give any advice I would appreciate it

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