Hatching Eggs By The Moon Thread

All 5 made it . 2 BO 3 ameraucana mix.
My computer has been out of commission for a few weeks, but I wanted to say that hatching by the moon was TERRIBLE for us. Out of about 10 eggs, NONE hatched. We had hatched some out a day before setting that batch, and added some a week later. All from the same hens and roo. I don't know if humidity had dropped too much at the start, (15-20 %) or what, but all died. Of the seven we added a week later, 1 def quit, and possibly another quit. They go into lockdown tonight.
i am putting my first eggs in the incubator today...hope this hatching by the moon works well ....i have been tweaking the temp and humidity for 3 days and it seems to be right where i think it should ...99.5 temp ...42% humidity..holding very steady..
The "hatching by the moon" doesn't affect what may happen during incubation as far as external conditions... if it did we could all just ignore our bators and go about our business.. the difference lies where the chicks that do hatch out during certain phases tend to be stronger and healthier.. while some people do say that they get more chicks to hatch out when they set by the moon.. well.. the moon may have a pretty good pull on those eggs.. but if the eggs have too much humidity.. or too little.. or suffer extreme temps.. those factors WILL affect the hatch rate.. so under ideal conditions you may have more chicks hatch out while setting by the moon than if you didnt.. however there are so many other factors that come into play which can make or break a good hatch
im sorry it didnt work for you but i also do a combo hatching now i dry hatch them at the same time as hatching by the moon i keep temp at 99.5 and humidity at 20-30% and then on lockdown the temp is raised to 101 since i move them over to a still air bator and humidity is raised to 55% i had lost 8 last hatch due to shrink wrap for some reason and also did you candle them? a egg that might look like it has a living chick in it could be false i have had that happen before when the chick develops it can die at any stage or it could be a bad egg i candle all my eggs a day or 2 days before i put them in lockdown so i can tell for 100% sure a chick is in it

and woohoo!! i have a pip egg lol and its only been in lockdown since yesterday its pipped a hole 3 days early lol im sitting on my bed and i hear a cheep i thought oh good that means one has broken into the air sac i look down and see a crack im temped sooo bad to open it and peel away the cracked part so that i could see into the egg and what color the feathers are cause i have 11 that arent from our chickens and 7 that are
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