Hatching Eggs By The Moon Thread

what do you have hatching?

I set 9 GLW eggs that were shipped. Two started weeping gunk almost immediately, so I tossed those. I had 7 make it to lockdown, and 6 of those hatched. The final one had pipped internally, but died for some reason, it looked like it hadn't developed quite right.

5 of my chicks are perfectly healthy. One has a case of spraddle leg that I'm trying to treat.

And, I set 7 eggs last night, which turns out to be ANOTHER good hatching by the moon day. We'll see how this hatch goes.
Hope everyone has had a good start on 2012 i will be setting my eggs in 2 weeks..Buffs and Red and Gold Links and RIR with a New Hamp rooster i have 25 hens in the breeding pen but i only got 9 eggs today i need them to be laying at least 20 for me to set anything so that i can fill up all 40 holes im hoping that i hatch out better than i did last year i will be dry hatching again since i dont tend to lose as many chicks due to drowning in the egg
Alright i updated with all setting dates for FEB i will be using all of them as im setting my eggs this Friday and Saturday or Saturday and Sunday depends on what eggs i get that day i can't wait ^_^ been waiting for this all year to hatch out some cute baby chicks and so have my nephews they keep asking do i have any baby chicks in the incabator yet ^_^ and yes i know i didnt spell it right but thats how they say it and of course last year the oldest who is 6 now got to see a baby chicken hatch out ^_^ it was sooo sweet he had the flashlight shinning down into the view window and was just saying its hatching its hatching! and then when it pipped and hatched IT DID IT!! he was thrilled! and im sure he will be again this year and so will his little brother cause when i have them stoped turning the little one ask have they hatched yet? lol
I am suppost to count back from the fruitful days and set the eggs then? its 21 day right. i set my first set last year. and i only had one live my mixed breed roo. Please help the multed brain prego woman out. My grandma use to do everything by the moon. But she pasted when i was in 8th grade. So i missed out on learning alot form her. She would even tell her kids when to take the bottles away from the grandkids by the moon. I am planning on reading thru this forum as fast as i can. Thank you so much
Just to update my second "moon hatch":

I set 7 BLRW eggs that I bought locally. All had been laid within 30 hours. One was infertile/never developed. One died on day 7.

Of the remaining 5 eggs, 4 hatched easily and quickly. The fifth ended up having a "c-section" (ha ha) where I hatched it out after about 36 hours and nothing beyond a tiny pip.

All five chicks are very vigorous and healthy now. :-D
Just to update my second "moon hatch":

I set 7 BLRW eggs that I bought locally. All had been laid within 30 hours. One was infertile/never developed. One died on day 7.

Of the remaining 5 eggs, 4 hatched easily and quickly. The fifth ended up having a "c-section" (ha ha) where I hatched it out after about 36 hours and nothing beyond a tiny pip.

All five chicks are very vigorous and healthy now. :-D

Yep thats how it goes ^_^ i have had moon chicks hatch out 2 days early i was like what the? your not suppose to hatch yet! and it scared me cause i thought they would die hatching on day 19 the day after i have stoped turning them cause i thought they would die but they have grew up healthy and strong

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