Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Since there is so much activity here...maybe you can help!
. Its my first hatch...here is what's going on... . Is the membrane supposed to b white?

I have to admit, with the glow of the incubator and the placement of that 'ring' on the bottom - at first glance I thought that was a hard-boiled egg and I was going to say uhhh...hehehe

The last time I had one that pipped like that - it ended up looking like a shredded fabric softener sheet, and the chick got its leg twisted around it and its head/neck stuck around another strand of it..it was too thick to tear through. Hubby ended up snipping the 2 shredded strings and it hatched out just fine (it's 8 weeks old and outside in the coop). Sooo... I'd say the chick is fine but if it starts looking like a shredded fabric softener sheet while it's hatching, be sure to check for strangulation and wrapping around legs, etc.

The white 'thing' you see is called the outer shell membrane.
My yaks are mostly the "Royal" color which is the piebald pattern. This is the herd:

And this is my bull, Bullet

See how he kinda looks like a Holstein on steroids? haha I think so, anyway...

Then the "T" is for our last name, and Acres is because we only have 10, so it's not really a huge RANCH :)

Okay, those are awesome Yaks!!! I like your name, btw... and LOVE your tractor pic!! That is sooo cute!!!
Oh no, that was a week ago :) The kiddo was only less than a month old this time last year! He's getting big so darn fast. Super awesome, easy going guy, too. Kinda scared to try for another... what if we get a double dose of crazy? haha!

Yeah, you'll get a double dose of crazy, but they're so much fun and worth it!! I have 3 boys and even though they are sooo different they are all boy crazy and I am so grateful to have each one of them...

Makes it kind of hard to shovel the snow if your toes are crossed . . .


I...am...certifiably and irrevocably a complete noob!! Disregard my post about an itty bitty egg.
It was a large turd that looked like an itty bitty egg until I tried to pick it up.


so glad to hear those of you who received your birds and sorry for the losses you had... and
for those of you still waiting!!
Ya know, W MT and SE ID isn't too far... you could always come visit in the Spring :)
I am lucky if I can get mine to stay up around 65-66.
Good luck and have fun watching chick TV!  I didn't get much sleep during my first hatch!! :pop    :lau
. My bator seals up pretty tight I think that helps. I was up to check on them 3 times last night because I knew they had internally piped. My oldest (4) and 8 are camping out with the bator tonight ;)
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I just realized it's December 20th and there isn't even 1 little stitch of Christmas decor anywhere in our house!!

[Edit] My husband said, "Well we sort of do, there's a fat chicken in there," and he points to the Serama room...and I'm like..."what does a fat chicken have to do with Christmas??" He says, "Yeh there's a Christmas song about a fat chicken," and I said "You mean Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat?" and he says, "Oh it's a goose, not a chicken. Yeh okay we don't have anything in here for Christmas."
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I have to admit, with the glow of the incubator and the placement of that 'ring' on the bottom - at first glance I thought that was a hard-boiled egg and I was going to say uhhh...hehehe

The last time I had one that pipped like that - it ended up looking like a shredded fabric softener sheet, and the chick got its leg twisted around it and its head/neck stuck around another strand of it..it was too thick to tear through.  Hubby ended up snipping the 2 shredded strings and it hatched out just fine (it's 8 weeks old and outside in the coop).  Sooo... I'd say the chick is fine but if it starts looking like a shredded fabric softener sheet while it's hatching, be sure to check for strangulation and wrapping around legs, etc.

The white 'thing' you see is called the outer shell membrane.
lol :). I will defiantly keep an eye on it...I doubt I'm gonna sleep much.
Caught up.....

Side sprigs..... are genetic. And will breed forward and pop up when you least expect it. I don't breed birds with side sprigs.

Sorry everyone seems to be having USPS issues..... makes me very afraid for some eggs I have shipped. Glad some showed up.... sorry for the loses too.

Power out on incubator.... I had the incubator off for about 24 hours once and THEN the hatcher was turned off, still had good hatches. They are more resilient than we think. Recently we had the power off for over 12 hours and it was like 78 degrees when I got there.... then the power came on.
Just saw this on FB

"I am a NINJA"
"No you're not!"
"Did you see me do that?"
"Do WHAT?"

Thought y'all might enjoy that, this last night on EARTH as we KNOW IT!
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