Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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........Three French hens, two Turtle doves, and a Silkie in a Pine TREE!!!!!!!!

OMG I almost peed my pants!!

I DID pee my pants.
...but just a little.

So I had the little silkie out while I posted pics. went to put her up and check on everyone. The chicks under a week are in their own brooder. The smallest SFH just went in this morning. i found her all the way at end furthest from the light, cold. I ran her up in front of my little bathroom heater and held her until she felt warm instead of cold. She is very lethargic. I just put her in the incubator to keep warm. What else can I do for her?
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So I had the little silkie out while I posted pics. went to put her up and check on everyone. The chicks under a week are in their own brooder. The smallest SFH just went in this morning. i found her all the way at end furthest from the light, cold. I ran her up in front of my little bathroom heater and held her until she felt warm instead of cold. She is very lethargic. I just put her in the incubator to keep warm. What else can I do for her?

I had one like that when our power went out. Put her in my incubator and prayed for the best. Left her there until that afternoon. I opened up the incubator and she JUMPED out. SO hopefully yours will be like that too.

So I had the little silkie out while I posted pics. went to put her up and check on everyone. The chicks under a week are in their own brooder. The smallest SFH just went in this morning. i found her all the way at end furthest from the light, cold. I ran her up in front of my little bathroom heater and held her until she felt warm instead of cold. She is very lethargic. I just put her in the incubator to keep warm. What else can I do for her?

I pray she will be okay :( I don't have any suggestions, but I wonder why she didn't want to be in the heated end? =(
We finally finished the Serama room today...I'd like to go back to bed now.
Brand new camera and I have no idea where those spots are coming from. :( I cleaned the lens with lens cleaner and the stupid things still show up. Might need to go get a refund/replacement. =/

That 'thing' next to the Serama hutch is the brooder. Hubby made a steel hanger for the heat lamp to go on one side, but left it at work, lol. We don't have any baby chicks that need a heat lamp right now, so it's no biggie. I think I will put it on the side closest to the wall, so the adults don't get baked on the other side.
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We finally finished the Serama room today...I'd like to go back to bed now.
Brand new camera and I have no idea where those spots are coming from. :( I cleaned the lens with lens cleaner and the stupid things still show up. Might need to go get a refund/replacement. =/

That 'thing' next to the Serama hutch is the brooder. Hubby made a steel hanger for the heat lamp to go on one side, but left it at work, lol. We don't have any baby chicks that need a heat lamp right now, so it's no biggie. I think I will put it on the side closest to the wall, so the adults don't get baked on the other side.
Looks great! Want to come make me something similar?
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