Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Yeh, but the last time I used them for that purpose I got my head bit off. They're supposed to be used for posts that are informational and helpful to the reader...yadda yadda.
OH, sorry... Sounds like the folks I work for - issue new equipment, expect everyone to use it correctly, but issue NO instructions - we have to guess.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU LESALYNN! I got my Secret Santa box yesterday CHOCK FULL of wonderful things! Thank you so much for sending things for my kids; they were delighted and barely gave me time to snap a photo before they started claiming things. I saved the Pecan Meringue Cookies for me and they are almost gone already!
I just love the fabric basket, too!

We finally finished the Serama room today...I'd like to go back to bed now. :/ Brand new camera and I have no idea where those spots are coming from. :( I cleaned the lens with lens cleaner and the stupid things still show up. Might need to go get a refund/replacement. =/ That 'thing' next to the Serama hutch is the brooder. Hubby made a steel hanger for the heat lamp to go on one side, but left it at work, lol. We don't have any baby chicks that need a heat lamp right now, so it's no biggie. I think I will put it on the side closest to the wall, so the adults don't get baked on the other side.
It looks great! I wanted to tell you the spots are a reflection of light off of floating dust particles. OR they could be "Orbs," aka spirits. :)
It looks great!
I wanted to tell you the spots are a reflection of light off of floating dust particles. OR they could be "Orbs," aka spirits. :)

Ahhhh! Well thank you for the explanation, because I took another picture later and the spots were not there - I couldn't figure it out. lol! I definitely believe the floating dust particles...they've been dustbathing all day in there so it makes perfect sense lol Thank you :D
........Three French hens, two Turtle doves, and a Silkie in a Pine TREE!!!!!!!!


Okay, guys, you all are crazy!!!! WAYYY too much to do before Christmas, I've put some of it off long enough, lol.... will be back after Christmas...

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