Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Ugh, I was hoping she would pull through. I'm so sorry for your loss. Any idea why she might have wandered all the way to the other end? How are all your others doing?

I have no idea, the others are all fine. She was not stuck or anything. It just a box and when I set her in I set her under the light. When I had checked earlier, she was just to the side of the heat lamp. Water and food are right on the edge of where the heat lamp is so no reason to wander so far. The week old chicks wander down there all the time and are fine. But at two days old I think it was just a little too cold for her. Not sure why she did not go back to the heat lamp.
My eggs from Jim did not make it again today. I am unhappy.
We have shopping to do tomorrow, but I told hubby I'm not leaving until the mail comes.

At least they aren't chicks. But they should have been.

Spent all day cleaning, getting the guest room ready, prepping space in my wool room for an air mattress, etc...and nobody is sleeping here tonight!
DS is staying at his friends, as they are doing some work together. DD and her friend decided to drive down in the morning instead of tonight.

And one of the doors to the Juvenile Detention Center ha decided not to latch properly. It's been windy today, and it blew open. Windy and cold. I'm glad the chicks in there are almost fully feathered, and they have three heat lamps...mostly near that door. The other half of that building is where I moved the older chicks, and they have access to the "moat" where that door also opens. When I went to lock up, about a third of the older ones had moved back in the JDC. I left them for now. I can move them again later.

I had one of the group that got moved that had gotten stuck under the nest boxes and gotten her head pecked dreadfully. I was hoping the younger ones would leave her alone once the red was gone, so I put her with them today. Nope. They are pecking and she's now a house chicken. I moved her inside in a kennel. Now I'm her flock mate and she loves me. One silly EE, but I'm pretty sure she'll survive being scalped. If I put her on the floor, she follows me...or one of the dogs! She'll come in handy to teach the new puppy about chickens, anyway...without freezing either of us! A week from tomorrow and my new Great Dane pup comes home!

I'm exhausted and babbling, as it's way past my bedtime. Off I go.......
Have 3 week old chicks in the basement with heat lamp. They are feathered and growing well. Do u all think it would be safe to move them to a brooder box in the barn? (with heat lamp) Temps here are going to be 20's at night and 30's to 40's in the day..........
We finally finished the Serama room today...I'd like to go back to bed now.
Brand new camera and I have no idea where those spots are coming from. :( I cleaned the lens with lens cleaner and the stupid things still show up. Might need to go get a refund/replacement. =/

That 'thing' next to the Serama hutch is the brooder. Hubby made a steel hanger for the heat lamp to go on one side, but left it at work, lol. We don't have any baby chicks that need a heat lamp right now, so it's no biggie. I think I will put it on the side closest to the wall, so the adults don't get baked on the other side.
omgosh that is so cool it even looks all classy and nice, your serama room is nicer then my liveing room.. I have indoor serama to i thought i was th only one

So I had the little silkie out while I posted pics. went to put her up and check on everyone. The chicks under a week are in their own brooder. The smallest SFH just went in this morning. i found her all the way at end furthest from the light, cold. I ran her up in front of my little bathroom heater and held her until she felt warm instead of cold. She is very lethargic. I just put her in the incubator to keep warm. What else can I do for her?
maybe just a tad of pedylte or sugar water once she is nice and warm to perk her up , mkw sure she eats and drinks once she is out?
That is adorable. I have chicks hatching now from my project birds. I have a white crested blue bantam polish roo with my blue non crested sizzle hen. I've got 5 out so far. The first batch I got 3 lav babies and 2 are frizzled.

Oh...my...goodness. Those are beautiful, they look like little cherub chicks. o.o I hope you post pictures as they grow. Wowee they certainly are lookers.
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