Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Oh it's not 40 dozen a day! We would be wallowing in chicken ick. 7 1/2 dozen a day is our current pick. I think at the height of last summer we were getting almost 12 dozen a day, but we have customers that place large orders. I even have a restaurant that would like 50 dozen a week. Sadly I had to turn them away, but I did find them 8 different places that combined ga e them the eggs they needed.

Phew, i was thinking write 40 dozen a day! I'd be swimming in eggs. 7.5 dozen is still a bunch in a day. Glad you can sell them.
Haven't been in here for a while! Spring is busy busy around here. Let's see...

Heather- you'll be sad to know that Barbie went to her new home- but happy to know she's with her own kind of cattle now and that she and the bull were in love at first sight :)

My Shetland ewe had twin lambs, they're very cute! And thus far, they stay in my fence... shocking after having goat kids before!

Lots of projects going on, but not as interesting as those two things :)

Hope everyone's doing well!
How could you sell my cow?
I understand, I would love a bunch of them someday! Do Scotties come in any other colors besides buff/red? There were 4 at my livestock auction last week-three were black and one was a light cream, almost white. They looked like Scotties except the color, and they only sold for $200-$250 a head. A couple of them had sick-looking eyes, though.
Just did a head count. We have 6 beautiful baby Silver Fox Rabbits!!!
Congratulations! Is this the same doe who lost her litter before?
Quote: Ours sell well around here.
Quote: I don't bid much, and never won an auction, but I will not bid against anyone I know.
I banned myself last Fall from RBA, but my wife wanted me to list some of my English orp. eggs on there........so I had to look. Bad move. I think I will go after some more English orps. come May when my work picks up. I also think I should ban myself from this swap thread.
You can't do that! We are all nice people here!
To the question that was asked or comment made, we do have a list of RBA usernames. If you wish to have the list and/or be added to it please PM me.
I would like it, please.

I think I have a problem!
Why is that a problem?
Well I am done buying eggs on ebay. I bought 2 dozen turkey eggs on there and when I got them 1 dozen were smashed and broken and leaking all over the other eggs. The eggs were not wrapped they were just in egg cartons and the egg cartons weren't wrapped. they had only bags that were filled with air around the egg cartons. I contacted the seller and they are refusing to resend the ones that broke or even refund me for the broken ones. They didn't send any extra's. Out of one of the eggs they sent 1 was a soft shelled egg that should never have been sent.

That is an awful packing job!
I have three Chinese white goose eggs and four khaki Campbell duck eggs that I picked this morning if anyone is interested just PM me. Otherwise I'm going to have to bake something. I have plenty already developing in the bator now, so I don't want to be over run with them.
How long after hatch were the chicks suppose to be shipped? or how long after the auction close?
I was told end of April and here we are going into May. I did ask for their anticipated hatch date at least and I got a response, but it beat around the bush about power outages ruining an entire hatch and being behind. I anticipate not getting anything. I know my own website isn't great--but this one just looks off to me. http://southernpoultryfarms.weebly.com/
I was told end of April and here we are going into May. I did ask for their anticipated hatch date at least and I got a response, but it beat around the bush about power outages ruining an entire hatch and being behind. I anticipate not getting anything. I know my own website isn't great--but this one just looks off to me. http://southernpoultryfarms.weebly.com/
Tell them you want your money back. If you paid with PP you only have so much time to file a claim.
I asked again this morning for a hatch date and shipping date. My concern is the temperatures. We are already mid-80's here. I can get on paypal later today here at work, but can't do anything with leaving feedback on RBA until I get home this evening.

Here is his response:

I am working on orders as timely as possible. As the ad states ""These Chicks should be shipping around late April to early May. They will be around-2 weeks old at shipment. Please be patient. I ship in the order that the auctions end.""

These are ESTIMATED shipping dates as stated in my disclaimer on my site and as any seller will tell you they may vary. I ordered from a couple of these larger sites and my chicks didn't come for 2 months after the "estimated date".. As far as your order, I estimate they will ship around May 20th. As far as shipping temperatures, You cannot ship chicks on days that are over 90 degrees and the temperature isn't even remotely close to that yet for any lenghth of time. When I ship here, The Postal truck picks them up here at around 4:30 in the evening and I dont take them to the post office until around 4 right before closing so they are there no longer than an hour before the truck gets them. The lady in the post office keeps them by her desk until the truck comes. They will be traveling at night for the most part. Ive rarely had an order that didn't get to its destination by the a.m hours the following morning, when in your area. Meaning they will usually be in the mail less than 18 hours and mostly at night if you pick them up at the post office as soon as they arrive. Also, I don't ship when its going to be much under 50 degrees at night either . I ordered chicks myself this year from one of the "Larger" sellers and I got 9 chick popsickles. I do not ship when I know that there's any risk of putting the chicks in jeopardy.

As far as hatching, I had chicks hatch this weekend, I have chicks hatching in the next few days, and again this weekend and next weekend. My incubators took a hit during the storm and this is my first hatch since then but as or right now, hatching seems to be going ok.. Right now, I am estimating I will ship your chicks around Monday May 20th as long its not to hot or to cold. I am not going to jeopardize the chicks just to get them out a week or so earlier. I will end up just having to ship them again un-necessarily. . Most people appreciate that fact because they don't want to get dead chicks. My opinon when ordering has always been , the older the better. The better chance they have of surviving the trip whether that delays the shipment a week or so is of less consequence to me as long as the chicks are alive when they get to me. Its the nature of the poultry business. As with all sellers, we try to estimate the shipping date as close as possible but as we all know, weather, hatch rates etc can affect shipping dates and thats why all sellers have a disclaimer that says these are estimated dates.. Right now, I dont think Im off by much and I hope to get your chicks to you by that date. Again, thank you for your order and patience and we will do our absolute best to get them to you in good health as timely as possible. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.. I'm not trying to delay your order / or put it off, I'm simply shipping in the order received and trying to do it in as timely a way as possible as hatching and weather permits. Sincerely
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