Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Morning everyone. Hope y'all are well! Sorry I haven't been around much. It's been a crazy time here. I'm having a hard time keeping up with everything.

So for those of you who love the project buff faverolles as much as I do you'll be sad to hear that I have to give them up. They're so fun and wonderful but I have too much on my plate and I agreed to take at least one breed out and I have to take my other flocks back to quints. Apart from the Bresse as my neighbor helps with them.

Anyway. Basically I have had some sort of hormonal thing my whole life and Drs have always thought it was my thyroid which has been tested a ridiculous amount of times for various things and its never abnormal. So I was referred to an endocrinology dept at OHSU and after a consultation they suspect that it may be Cushings Syndrome, which one of us is more than familiar with.

Now granted I haven't gone through the testing yet. So :fl it may not be CS at all. It's just been really playing on my emotions and mental state. We want to have a third baby and this could potentially affect that along with many other scenarios etc.

If Im late or seem distant it's because of all of this. That and to top it all off I may have been bitten by a bloody hobo spider in my sleep two nights ago. :barnie

I must've seriously looked like a crazy chicken lady sat out in a field with my juvenile turkeys in my lap and on my shoulder bawling my face off yesterday evening. It's just been a weird last few weeks. Sorry to drop such a long post. I just really needed to share.

That is one full plate. I'll be sending you good thoughts.
So, I think I have decided which buff leghorn roo to keep for breeding. I have three growing out, one is smaller and has a lousy comb so he is out already. I wanted to see what you all thought.
Cockerel 1 has a nice even comb, nice upright tail, and is the largest (barely)


Cockerel 2 doesn't have as nice of a comb, but has a slightly more even color to him.


Please ignore their posture. They where pretty mad at me.

Which would you keep?
Morning everyone. Hope y'all are well! Sorry I haven't been around much. It's been a crazy time here. I'm having a hard time keeping up with everything.

So for those of you who love the project buff faverolles as much as I do you'll be sad to hear that I have to give them up. They're so fun and wonderful but I have too much on my plate and I agreed to take at least one breed out and I have to take my other flocks back to quints. Apart from the Bresse as my neighbor helps with them.

Anyway. Basically I have had some sort of hormonal thing my whole life and Drs have always thought it was my thyroid which has been tested a ridiculous amount of times for various things and its never abnormal. So I was referred to an endocrinology dept at OHSU and after a consultation they suspect that it may be Cushings Syndrome, which one of us is more than familiar with.

Now granted I haven't gone through the testing yet. So
it may not be CS at all. It's just been really playing on my emotions and mental state. We want to have a third baby and this could potentially affect that along with many other scenarios etc.

If Im late or seem distant it's because of all of this. That and to top it all off I may have been bitten by a bloody hobo spider in my sleep two nights ago.

I must've seriously looked like a crazy chicken lady sat out in a field with my juvenile turkeys in my lap and on my shoulder bawling my face off yesterday evening. It's just been a weird last few weeks. Sorry to drop such a long post. I just really needed to share.

Sounds like a pretty full plate. Take care of yourself.
So, I think I have decided which buff leghorn roo to keep for breeding. I have three growing out, one is smaller and has a lousy comb so he is out already. I wanted to see what you all thought.
Cockerel 1 has a nice even comb, nice upright tail, and is the largest (barely)


Cockerel 2 doesn't have as nice of a comb, but has a slightly more even color to him.


Please ignore their posture. They where pretty mad at me.

Which would you keep?
I think the color on both is nice (I don't particularly care for buff) I would keep the one with the better comb
Morning everyone. Hope y'all are well! Sorry I haven't been around much. It's been a crazy time here. I'm having a hard time keeping up with everything.

So for those of you who love the project buff faverolles as much as I do you'll be sad to hear that I have to give them up. They're so fun and wonderful but I have too much on my plate and I agreed to take at least one breed out and I have to take my other flocks back to quints. Apart from the Bresse as my neighbor helps with them.

Anyway. Basically I have had some sort of hormonal thing my whole life and Drs have always thought it was my thyroid which has been tested a ridiculous amount of times for various things and its never abnormal. So I was referred to an endocrinology dept at OHSU and after a consultation they suspect that it may be Cushings Syndrome, which one of us is more than familiar with.

Now granted I haven't gone through the testing yet. So
it may not be CS at all. It's just been really playing on my emotions and mental state. We want to have a third baby and this could potentially affect that along with many other scenarios etc.

If Im late or seem distant it's because of all of this. That and to top it all off I may have been bitten by a bloody hobo spider in my sleep two nights ago.

I must've seriously looked like a crazy chicken lady sat out in a field with my juvenile turkeys in my lap and on my shoulder bawling my face off yesterday evening. It's just been a weird last few weeks. Sorry to drop such a long post. I just really needed to share.
I'm here for you if you need an ear! I understand completely. Let's just hope it is something they can positively confirm with minimal testing and get straightened out for you.
OMG, I have a chick overload and sad part is I don't know what some of them are! I have a little bluish bantam. No clue. Another one has a gold top and beard. Oh and I think we figured out why GFF hasn't emailed anyone. Their internet is down. All shipping labels are hand written. Heck they spent $110 just to ship my chicks.
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