Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Oh and daloorasheens I'm a little swede along with a few others, but mostly Swiss and Irish. So often I'm in arguments with myself that my stubborn ornery self won't give in to and yet I'm neutral so I don't care.
Well, I figured out what must have happened with my Favs. My Fav pullets were in with my Sumatra prior to me selling them and acquiring the Fav cockerel. I sold him almost a month prior. He must have been very potent because that is the only way that the chicks could have come out black. I checked fertility. I never dreamed that they would still be carrying swimmers from the Sumatra after almost 30 days. WOW is all I can say. Regardless, I am sending new eggs out this weekend.

On a different note, anyone have good graduation gift suggestions for my son? With everything that is going on the trip that we had planned on giving him to NYC is out of the budget.
I got one olive egger chick 5 weeks after we had eaten roo stew so 7-8 weeks after he had been gone? I call him ms ( miracle sperm) and started calling my head marans cockerel lazy Louie.
Quote: X2! It is very expensive to even have some of these breeds, and Jubilee Orps are some of the most expensive breeds to find. My MFL trio cost me over $200 (which is very expensive to me), and I have gotten very few eggs from them-they are very sporadic layers. That is one thing I am going to be working on improving-a Leghorn SHOULD lay really well, but these don't.
Ok, I posted this on FB, but I think it's pretty amazing.

For the first time, Facebook has done me a real solid.
Our neighbor posted about our missing rottie on Sunday. Apparently, our town is a very active Facebook community. First, the family who found him only knew someone was missing him through FB.
Second, I drop Hayden off at PreK today and take down the flyer I had put up. The owner of the center said "I heard you found him!" How? Posted on Facebook.
Third, I go to the vet to get some tick/flea meds, as the lady is ringing me up, she sees its for a Rottie, and says "oh, is this the missing Rottie?" I say yes, she says "oh great! I saw he was missing on a friends repost on FB!"

Wow. Just wow. Here dumb me is going door to door, putting up flyers, an making phone calls. All that needed to be done was to put some digital letters out there in the cyber space.
I have been catching up on the last ten pages of the thread. I started crying when I saw you finally found him!
Several years ago we had a pair of Golden Retrievers that dug out of their yard and disappeared. It was spring and the ground was very soft, and Monty loved to dig. We are in a very rural farm community, so it was pretty difficult to even find someone who had seen them. The last reported sighting we had of them was 20 miles west of us (about a mile from Rachael's house, but of course I didn't know her then, and she didn't live there yet). I was on bed rest right before my son was born (a week) and instead of resting I was chasing every lead I could get. They were gone for THIRTEEN DAYS! Three days before I went to the hospital, I was lying on the couch and looked out at their pen and saw a spot of red. I jumped up and went running and sure enough they were BOTH back in their pen (through the same hole they dug to get out)! They were very skinny, and covered in burrs and matted fur, but they were home and seemed healthy otherwise. I got Monty out and tied him to my washline post while I came inside for a brush, and when I came out he was gone again-he slipped his collar over his head-ran around the garage and back into his pen!
I got the message!
And with that, I am done talking about our dog
Don't feel that way! I am so glad to hear he is back, and I know most everyone else feels the same way!
Orps are expensive in general. I bought six partridge chicks in the fall..from a breeder that directly imported her stock. You look at prices and do the math. I lost 2, one was replaced. It looks like I have 1 pullet. Those are gonna be some expensive gold eggs coming out of that one pullet. So yeah, people really need to stop and think about how much is invested in birds that alot of people have worked to acquire.
Orps are expensive in general. I bought six partridge chicks in the fall..from a breeder that directly imported her stock. You look at prices and do the math. I lost 2, one was replaced. It looks like I have 1 pullet. Those are gonna be some expensive gold eggs coming out of that one pullet. So yeah, people really need to stop and think about how much is invested in birds that alot of people have worked to acquire.
Orps are expensive in general. I bought six partridge chicks in the fall..from a breeder that directly imported her stock. You look at prices and do the math. I lost 2, one was replaced. It looks like I have 1 pullet. Those are gonna be some expensive gold eggs coming out of that one pullet. So yeah, people really need to stop and think about how much is invested in birds that alot of people have worked to acquire.
Glad others share my feelings. GOOD birds are not cheap, thus the eggs arent cheap. So dont belittle the seller/swapper by calling them cheap when they send you FREE eggs. Because really 17$ PP may cover shipping, but it means free eggs.

Along the same lines............... If you live in a state as strict as HI and or VA, PM the swapper with the offer BEFORE you claim to make sure they can send to you. VA is a serious state about legal egg and bird shipments. They WILL fine breeders/shippers if you dont follow their rules. DONT ask a seller/swapper to ship illegally its just not right.
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Not to detract from the expense of birds here, but all was just talking about the fact someone could not even get a 3 egg order they paid for on rba. She isn't disparaging swappers or calling us chintsy.

I think the comment was taken a bit out of context and was not ment the way it is being taken.
Not to detract from the expense of birds here, but all was just talking about the fact someone could not even get a 3 egg order they paid for on rba. She isn't disparaging swappers or calling us chintsy.

I think the comment was taken a bit out of context and was not ment the way it is being taken.
wasnt what I was commenting on. I was commenting on the statement made asking why people are so cheap with hatching eggs.

Below is who/what I was commenting on/about/to. NOT the RBA egg auction

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