Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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hope everyone has a great day. Off to TSC for pellet bedding (teenager promised to scrape all stalls bare and re-bed today. then off for lumber and PVC so we can put together the 18 tray fodder rack and start the mini coops/tractors/arks (in our case with all the rain)

scrub hatcher and reset for next goose eggs after these brahma's finish hatching

oh and Madam your diucks are past the half way point. Down hill from here and all 21 are going strong still.
Go little duckies!! I've got to get bedding too so I can get some coops cleaned and hopefully chicks moved out. I think I found my brahma rooster. There is one in that pen I didn't get a picture of. It's hackle feathers are a bit different. The color isn't as well defined like the other 2 are. So I'm thinking rooster there. I'll get a picture of it later.
Happy Mother's Day!!!!
Flocks I adore the light brahma, they are good birds and very striking in their white and black
My LB Lucy is awesome, she's my Momma Hen right now as a first timer she's doing wonderfully. I brought out mealworms for her and the babies, and she was so cute grabbing one, clucking them over to get some and then passing them out. Not until she felt they had had their fill did she eat any.
Ohhh, I wouldn't be a happy camper with that! I put about 11 starts in and have more that arrived yesterday that need to go in when I can catch a break from the rain. The first set were dormant and haven't done anything in the past month, so I don't think they'll create plants for me.
Wait, what? You'd never had raspberries??? I'm so glad you got the starts then! I assume they made it ok? You'll get some from those next year.
I will be spending Mother's Day in the yard with the chickies. I'm trying to get most of my chicks out of the house. DH is doing re-certification at the fire station today. Who plans these things on Mother's Day?
Seriously! I have an out of town fiber arts show next month during Father's Day weekend. I've asked a hundred times and the hubs keeps saying go go go, so go I am!

I'm off to our local amusement park for Mother's Day today... We had some free tickets, and so do our friends and Mom's get in free so our two families are getting in for $20.99, we have to buy one whole kids ticket. Brilliant! Yesterday, the hubs and I rehabbed our water feature the house came with, it's a pond with a waterfall coming down a little slope into it with a couple of basins. It didn't seem to leak f you just filled the big pond but if you turned it on the water quickly disappeared. We figured out it was one of the upper basins so we got some pool plaster, stained it to match and slathered the thing. Totally full this morning still!! Whoooooop! Ducky Wucky, our one duck hatchling now has a play place for him and his soon to hatch friends when they get a bit bigger!
SmithyardFarm, that is a mottled lavender orp chick. Notice the lack of black break and legs? I have a couple mottled right now. The one chick was almost completely white, with only one lavender dot on the head.
Happy Mother's Day ladies! I had my monthly wine night last night and did Race for the Cure yesterday morning. Today, I wanted to get the pop door and wire on the new coop and get my garden going, but I am feeling like I over did it on the wines :rolleyes: I love wine nights but I have to figure out how to not over do it :gig

Here's a question for you smart people: is self blue/lavender an APA accepted color for any breed currently? It doesn't appear as a description in the 2010 SOP in the standard color descriptions (I knew it wasn't accepted for am's but thought that it might be for another breed). Just trying to figure out what to breed toward in a non accepted color variety...
8 straight run mottled lav chicks went for over $1200 on RBA in March. When I first started breeding lavenders 3 yrs ago I was told to cull all mottleds! A friend of mine has a gorgeous black mottled rooster (split to lavender) that she got from me last year. I may have to borrow him for breeding.
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Happy Mother's Day ladies! I had my monthly wine night last night and did Race for the Cure yesterday morning. Today, I wanted to get the pop door and wire on the new coop and get my garden going, but I am feeling like I over did it on the wines
I love wine nights but I have to figure out how to not over do it

Here's a question for you smart people: is self blue/lavender an APA accepted color for any breed currently? It doesn't appear as a description in the 2010 SOP in the standard color descriptions (I knew it wasn't accepted for am's but thought that it might be for another breed). Just trying to figure out what to breed toward in a non accepted color variety...
You breed to the general TYPE for that breed. So like Lav AM's you follow the general type guidelines since the color is not yet (or may ever be) recognized by the APA

8 straight run mottled lav chicks went for over $1200 on RBA in March. When I first started breeding lavenders 3 yrs ago I was told to cull all mottleds! A friend of mine has a gorgeous black mottled rooster (split to lavender) that she got from me last year. I may have to borrow him for breeding.

Those high priced birds were UK imports, not american project birds which is why they sold for so much. They didnt fetch a high price solely on color, it was the UK bloodline behind them
Good Morning, Happy Chicken People! Happy Mother's Day!

My sis who was astounded at how soft chickens were is now asking questions about how to keep them. Hehehe. Another convert on the way!
Hey, nice recruiting work!!

I just had a red tailed hawk, a crow, and a red winged black bird fly very slowly past my living room window! Guess I should get off my duff and let the animals out if they are sending out a search party. I was so enjoying a peaceful lazy morning. Oh well. Such is life. Wonder who asked the hawk to go looking for me.
Sounds like a beautiful morning!!


I get to work this mother's day
, but I haven't had to for several years, so I can't complain too much... Already helped a doc with a procedure so at least it's busy...
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