Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Rachael - I am very sorry your dog is so sick. I get a little sadder every day watching my Kira age.

I lost an amazing cat a couple of years ago to lymphoma, and it caused that type of fluid build up around her lungs and heart. The only thing that helped her was prednisone. I hope the vet is able to find something to help your baby.
I understand completely, things happen. As I said feel free to shove mine till fall if it helps with the whole thing, I will be OK. I am sorry to hear about your dog and wish you the best. I figure when mine get here it will be ok. So again don't stress over mine, if I can help let me know.

x2 Life happens. You can push me to fall as well!
Quote: Anytime, hubby does the dispatching, I help with the plucker and do the final clean up and bagging here.

Quote: The hot water shrink bags are AWESOME, you place the bird inside, use the included zip tie to shut the bag, trim the extra off and dip into boiling water. Nicely seal bag ready to freeze. I have a duck done will post a picture in a second.

CPL... I am sorry for the pain and illness you are living with and the sick dog too.

We all have challenges we must work past and over come.

In the last 3.5 years: I lost a son under the age of three and performed CPR on him trying to save him, while my husband was deployed to a war zone from which he had to be brought home to bury our child. Last year my husband had a massive stroke while still active duty on base and spent most of the year in the hospital, when he was home he was totally dependent on me for everything. At one point he couldnt walk and would drag himself around the house by his hands/arms. He has chronic pain that criples his hands, but he refuses to stop. Through all of this I have had to push forward with the kids needs, the household needs, the farms needs and customers.

So yes I do have an idea what you are dealing with, but I also know all too well about dealing with a mountain before you and continuing to push through. Dont be afraid to ask for help, if you need help packing eggs teach your husband how to do it so you can have the help and help that will do the job right the first time for you. Same for shipping chicks, teach him or anyone else willing to help so when you can not they can. Even if it means you read from a list and they pack.

I cant speak for others, but my swaps are a business based decision, and yes I did feel cheated when I sent half the reverse swap only to find out there are no chicks of the breed I was expecting. Thats a business blow, and a tough one.
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I came to a stop because my hens have went sketchy on laying eggs... and I was getting frustrated with my shipped eggs not hatching and lack of communication from people that owe me eggs.
I agree COF. I stay at home with the kids/critters, so everything here needs to pay for themselves, plus provide something for the family... eggs, meat, furs, etc. Or provide enough money to cover their own expenses and the expenses of something else that provides for us. To get ripped off sucks, whether it's intentional or not.
I agree COF. I stay at home with the kids/critters, so everything here needs to pay for themselves, plus provide something for the family... eggs, meat, furs, etc. Or provide enough money to cover their own expenses and the expenses of something else that provides for us. To get ripped off sucks, whether it's intentional or not.
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