Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I will try to get a picture today of the finished brooders. The top has 4 light switches that are for the light bulb outlets? in each box. I have the cheap light bulb things like you would use in a closet or utility room. I adjust the bulbs based on the age of the chicks and how many are in the box. Most are on fluorescents now, just too hot already in the brooders.

I will do something similar in the new bigger brooder boxes. Might even put in an exhaust fan since they will not be as open as most of my brooders.
And If anyone needs poop management help you seriously need to check out my poop boards

where do you get the PDZ?
That sounds amazing. There is a charter school I town, I am going to stop by today and ask some questions, I am not sure I they charge tuition or do kindergarten. Otherwise those are my options unless I chose another town, 30+ minutes away.
One of te teachers actually gave a little talk about how academically driven things are now, and that there isn't much fun for kids. She said, "it's not going to work well for the kids, when they are 14 and haven't even able to play since they where 4."
Oh, boo. We'll just end up with a bunch of automatons for adults who can't have fun. I would suck at homeschooling, but I'd sure consider it.....
Annoying call of the day. Lady calls to ask if I have any pullets or chicks available. I call back, letting her know I have 3 week old chicks available, I can tell who some of the cockerels are now for sure, but the other are still a bit of a guess as these are my mutts from my layer flock. I let her know the price is $4 a chick at this point. She says she would want to know for sure if they are pullets for $4 a chick! What?? I politely let her know that full grown pullets go for $15ish here and since I have been feeding these guys for the last few weeks that $4 is to cover my costs. Seriously. If you want a full grown pullet, answer an ad for one, not for chicks and don't state chicks in your message.

Oh, boo.  We'll just end up with a bunch of automatons for adults who can't have fun.  I would suck at homeschooling, but I'd sure consider it..... 

I have really thought about home schooling, but socially, I don't have much to teach my kids. I think it is really important tht they go to a school to learn that, and to get directions and discipline from other adults. I will just have to get him play dates and some sports to do. It's just not easy to find a balance between fun and learning, but 5 year olds should get more than one 30 minute break during a full school day. It's like they are setting them up to fail!
Annoying call of the day. Lady calls to ask if I have any pullets or chicks available. I call back, letting her know I have 3 week old chicks available, I can tell who some of the cockerels are now for sure, but the other are still a bit of a guess as these are my mutts from my layer flock. I let her know the price is $4 a chick at this point. She says she would want to know for sure if they are pullets for $4 a chick! What?? I politely let her know that full grown pullets go for $15ish here and since I have been feeding these guys for the last few weeks that $4 is to cover my costs. Seriously. If you want a full grown pullet, answer an ad for one, not for chicks and don't state chicks in your message.

There's a lady an hour or so from me who sells ALL of her chicks for $2 each. I will not get into what kind of health her birds are in or the way they are raised, but she does have a variety of breeds --AND SHE UNDER PRICES EVERYONE just to move them all. I believe she has 2 sportsmans--cranking out two hatches a week. *sigh* So, naturally people freak out when they see a more rare variety of chick that is bred to the SOP and I or someone else near me is selling at a higher price. All I can tell people is that they can go buy her $2 birds and see how long they live healthily. Then call me if they want a better bird.
After getting my Brinsea cabinet I hatched waaay to many chicks
and had rabbit cages, boxes and bins full of chicks everywhere

I needed to organize and was looking at those neat GQF brooders
unfortunately the price tag was too much for me

So...here is my poor mans version of a stackable brooder

It cost me less than $100.00 to make and took 1 full day to complete it working by myself. All the supplies (including the metal shelving) were purchased at Lowes.

This brooder has been a lifesaver. I have 2 shelves set up with ecoglows for the little ones and 2 shelves for the older guys. Once they outgrow this outside they go!

I use the sneaky supermarket trick when selling chicks... I make sure all the ones I want to sell are on the bottom 2 levels right at kid level
Love This Idea I currently use plastic totes and this looks easy enough That Even I could make it.
I know what I will be saving up for.
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