Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I wish I could! But my account isn't 3 months old yet
thus I'm an only side swap girl for now
awww...I forgot!
thought you could save some dollars
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All of these swaps and my kids are all asking me if I got any orpingtons. Nope. :/ Not one. Couldn't have spoken up sooner. They are all in love wi Ophelia the hatchery buff Orpington who is a clutz and lays thin shelled eggs. :rolleyes:
All of these swaps and my kids are all asking me if I got any orpingtons. Nope.
Not one. Couldn't have spoken up sooner. They are all in love wi Ophelia the hatchery buff Orpington who is a clutz and lays thin shelled eggs.
I have Large marge the lav orp and not large marge the blue splash orp i would be willing to ship to you. They are in our egg eatting flock(which is for sale), forage well, lay well and are dippy large sweet girls.
The first of three does due has kindled. She put two in her hide box, and six in her nest box. One was born dead....and I'm surprised it was born at all, as it was huge! Seven live kits, all now safely placed in her nest box. She's a first time mom, but I think she'll be okay. The ones in the hide box were the first born, I think. There was placenta in the nest box, but not on the wire.

The experienced doe has her nest built, but no kits yet.

The third doe I'm worried about. She's another first-time mom. She's been severely off her feed for a couple days. She has not even checked out her nest box, and has made no effort to build a nest elsewhere. I've had other does do that, and some lay the kits on the wire, while others build a gorgeous nest as soon as they go into labor. But the only other doe I had go off her feed had dystocia and had to be put down. I do not want a repeat of that. And this is my favorite doe...of course. Cross your crossables, please.
The first of three does due has kindled. She put two in her hide box, and six in her nest box. One was born dead....and I'm surprised it was born at all, as it was huge! Seven live kits, all now safely placed in her nest box. She's a first time mom, but I think she'll be okay. The ones in the hide box were the first born, I think. There was placenta in the nest box, but not on the wire.

The experienced doe has her nest built, but no kits yet.

The third doe I'm worried about. She's another first-time mom. She's been severely off her feed for a couple days. She has not even checked out her nest box, and has made no effort to build a nest elsewhere. I've had other does do that, and some lay the kits on the wire, while others build a gorgeous nest as soon as they go into labor. But the only other doe I had go off her feed had dystocia and had to be put down. I do not want a repeat of that. And this is my favorite doe...of course. Cross your crossables, please.

I miss baby bunnies. My DS was huge into rabbits in 4H (his herd normally numbered around 200). I LOVED kits and playing with baby bunnies!

I might need some of them again.

Hmmmmmm, I think that's was led me to the hundreds of chickens I have.......................remembering how much I enjoyed his birds.
They are both addictive! I used to run a herd of French Angoras, but the routine grooming got too much for me so I sold them all. Then hubby starts with how much he misses rabbits, so I have a small herd of NZW, plus one Cali doe. Chickens are easier. :)
They are both addictive! I used to run a herd of French Angoras, but the routine grooming got too much for me so I sold them all. Then hubby starts with how much he misses rabbits, so I have a small herd of NZW, plus one Cali doe. Chickens are easier.
He raised Calis as one of his major breeds and a bunch of odds and ends, Jersey Woolies, Giant Angoras, English Lops, Checker Giants (I forget what else), but his primary breeds were Tans & Brittania Petites.
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