Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I'd worry about that too, don't want to make their eggs look delicious.

hey all,

just wanted to ask a question about egg color..... which chickens (besides white leghorns and brown leghorns) lay white eggs?

I would like to get some white egg hens (as my family wont eat brown ones....LOL)


There are lots, in my flock; campines, lakenvelder, polish, Icelandic...................and then there are all the bantams.
Not at all. I toss whole eggs out (bator infertiles). They come running and eat them all up, and will go after ones that didn't break, but they quickly figure out that they're whole and leave them without ever pecking at them. They never break eggs to eat. They merely clean up the mess when necessary. When they get into a feeding frenzy with eggs, they gently stick their beak on the egg and try to find an opening, similar to how they drink out of a rabbit bottle.
I have Large marge the lav orp and not large marge the blue splash orp i would be willing to ship to you. They are in our egg eatting flock(which is for sale), forage well, lay well and are dippy large sweet girls.

Very tempting, but unfortunately, I am rapidly approaching my limit with more eggs on the way. I have to decide on which breeds I will ultimately keep and who is going to be rehomed with a few that will end up being dinner and some that will become additions to the Home for Wayward Chickens (layers).
:plbb do you want some guinea eggs flocks? ooops! I meant cookies
Thinking about guineas, but don't care for mint. Hubby and son always get the after dinner ones. They fight over mine. Weirdos.
hey all, just wanted to ask a question about egg color..... which chickens (besides white leghorns and brown leghorns) lay white eggs? I would like to get some white egg hens (as my family wont eat brown ones....LOL) don
Campiness, Andalusian,Lakenvelders, Minorca, buttercups, hamburgs, Sumatra, Egyptian fayaumis, I know I spelled that wrong, Ancona.......I could go on, but I think that gives you an idea.
Does foaming bath salts sound interesting to anyone? Debating on making those or buying the rest of the stuff I need to make bubble bars. Foaming bath salts would, of course, be no money out of pocket for me, since I already have everything, lol.
If we throw an egg down the chickens will run to see if its broken, but if we drop one and it doesn't break they sadly walk away after inspecting it. All chickens are egg eaters if the egg is broke. If not they generally won't break them.
If we throw an egg down the chickens will run to see if its broken, but if we drop one and it doesn't break they sadly walk away after inspecting it. All chickens are egg eaters if the egg is broke. If not they generally won't break them.

Yup. I've watched them clean up a broken egg in the nest and leave the rest alone, despite being covered in egg goo. I've also had an egg that never got broken in the slop bucket, they ate everything, rolled the egg out and away from the feed and never touched it again. Birds generally are not going to peck an egg to break it open and eat it, but if it's broken open, it's fair game.
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