Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I'm lazy, I just fill the pot and hard boil 'em.  Quick and easy.  I've tried scrambling and baking, but I just don't have the patience to crack so many eggs.  Lately I've been cooking nine dozen eggs once a week for them.  The chickens look at me hopefully when I go out with the soup pan, but don't go into the frenzy until they hear the crack of shell breaking as I roll each egg around against the pan to thoroughly crack it up real good.  I also open the egg, breaking it in half, as I toss it to them.  I've noticed they go for the yolk first.  Sometime the yolk comes bouncing out rolling across the floor/ground with the hoard of chickens in hot pursuit.  Nothing gets wasted.  They always go back and eat the whites and shells.  They clean up so well you'd never know they just gorged on eggs.  If I don't get one broken well enough, they test it and look for the soft spot.  Once one starts eating, all bets are off and that egg is ancient history.  They also come running over when I collect eggs, but after a test peck or two, they wander off.

If and that's a really big IF we have eggs over a week old I boil, drain, and take a potato masher to them. It ends up looking like I'm making egg salad with the shells still in there. The birds, every last one of them babies included get in on the feast. But if I break em while cleaning, picking, or in my case walking they get tossed down and torpedoes come flying in the form of lots of feathers. Of course they eat nothing I toss, or at least try to.
had to share this cute little pair of silver penciled bantam wyandottes. She is SO pretty and laid the first cutest little egg. I picked them up last weekend. The man was looking for roos and traded my available roos for this pair. He had a good price on them and thought about it the whole swap and decided to trade as he promised his boys he'd bring roos home! lucky me!
the roo looks like he is giving the big stink eye. It is hard to capture her beautiful penciling.( he was trying to get down to see what I was doing. he is too cute also. very sweet unlike this pic portrays!

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If and that's a really big IF we have eggs over a week old I boil, drain, and take a potato masher to them. It ends up looking like I'm making egg salad with the shells still in there. The birds, every last one of them babies included get in on the feast. But if I break em while cleaning, picking, or in my case walking they get tossed down and torpedoes come flying in the form of lots of feathers. Of course they eat nothing I toss, or at least try to.
Boil/Mash method is what I do. Works like a charm... I actually do my clears out of incubator at first candling that way also.
I'm lazy, I just fill the pot and hard boil 'em. Quick and easy. I've tried scrambling and baking, but I just don't have the patience to crack so many eggs. Lately I've been cooking nine dozen eggs once a week for them. The chickens look at me hopefully when I go out with the soup pan, but don't go into the frenzy until they hear the crack of shell breaking as I roll each egg around against the pan to thoroughly crack it up real good. I also open the egg, breaking it in half, as I toss it to them. I've noticed they go for the yolk first. Sometime the yolk comes bouncing out rolling across the floor/ground with the hoard of chickens in hot pursuit. Nothing gets wasted. They always go back and eat the whites and shells. They clean up so well you'd never know they just gorged on eggs. If I don't get one broken well enough, they test it and look for the soft spot. Once one starts eating, all bets are off and that egg is ancient history. They also come running over when I collect eggs, but after a test peck or two, they wander off.

I've cracked so many to bake, I can do it like lightening. And I've had fun with it too...............I've been practicing the skill of opening an egg one handed, LOL I'm becoming an expert! Anyway, I used to boil them, but I find this faster than breaking up boiled eggs.

Quote: x2 I just don't need to encourage that. Cooked eggs are different and ok. I don't feed them anything that LOOKS like an EGG. I have had a couple of pullets that would only go after certain other pullets eggs. It is a very hard habit to break a chicken of.... usually an ax will do it. I have seen them break an egg when they can't find a hole. If I find a broken egg or break one I take it out before they can find out it is yummy.


I can't bring myself to cook the clears, it just grosses me out. They go in the trash.
had to share this cute little pair of silver penciled bantam wyandottes. She is SO pretty and laid the first cutest little egg. I picked them up last weekend. The man was looking for roos and traded my available roos for this pair. He had a good price on them and thought about it the whole swap and decided to trade as he promised his boys he'd bring roos home! lucky me!
the roo looks like he is giving the big stink eye. It is hard to capture her beautiful penciling.( he was trying to get down to see what I was doing. he is too cute also. very sweet unlike this pic portrays!

We may have to side swap some eggs. I have a pair and a trio from Jerry Foley. They look very nice.... bet they came from Foley, he makes everyone take a trio LOL. I am hatching pretty much every egg... haven't sold or swapped any for a while. Can't eat those itty bitty eggs LOL
I can't bring myself to cook the clears, it just grosses me out. They go in the trash.
I think that is a GREAT IDEA! I toss LOTS of eggs when I get shipped eggs... like 2/3 of what I get. I have a sink full of eggs sometimes. I don't think I would the ones that start and quit, just the clears. Seems a waste. I read that idea the other day and thought that was a great idea.
I think that is a GREAT IDEA! I toss LOTS of eggs when I get shipped eggs... like 2/3 of what I get. I have a sink full of eggs sometimes. I don't think I would the ones that start and quit, just the clears. Seems a waste. I read that idea the other day and thought that was a great idea.

I only do the the clears, I don't do the quitters, I don't think I would want to mash those!
had to share this cute little pair of silver penciled bantam wyandottes. She is SO pretty and laid the first cutest little egg. I picked them up last weekend. The man was looking for roos and traded my available roos for this pair. He had a good price on them and thought about it the whole swap and decided to trade as he promised his boys he'd bring roos home! lucky me! :D the roo looks like he is giving the big stink eye. It is hard to capture her beautiful penciling.( he was trying to get down to see what I was doing. he is too cute also. very sweet unlike this pic portrays! :lau )
Those are lovely! /www.backyardchickens.com/content/type/61/id/5739534/width/200/height/400[/IMG]
[/QUOTE] Ooohhhhh so cute what kind is it! i can't wait to hatch out my runners.
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