Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Weren't you the one that said the trick to hatching Serama and OD was not to turn them? I know someone mentioned that.

Nope..wasn't me. I never hatched OD, just Serama and I set them in the turner.
I've been having terrible hatches TERRIBLE...in brinseas of all bators~~ I pray these make it out!!! I have humidity pumps and everything-I've calibrated and recalibrated-etc etc... ugh come on babies...and DRIPPYS lav/white am eggs too 3 in lockdown
I've been having terrible hatches TERRIBLE...in brinseas of all bators~~ I pray these make it out!!! I have humidity pumps and everything-I've calibrated and recalibrated-etc etc... ugh come on babies...and DRIPPYS lav/white am eggs too 3 in lockdown

It is not just you... I have been having poor hatches. So have quite a few others. Not sure what the heck is going on. I used to be able to hatch a rock..

I have taken apart my bators, cleaned them, checked..re checked and checked again. I have decent hatches on my own eggs and some shipped eggs, I am at a loss. Packaging has been outstanding, so that doesn't seem to be the problem.

This last hatch I left the plugs out ...so far so good.

I let our GFF juvies out to play yesterday. They loved it and the orps and brahmas were very curious. The Augs/breese (supposed to all be black breese- 1 for sure is an augs- 2 are probably augs- the other 2 I have no idea) were very skiddish.
Wow, really bumming right now. I was late getting all the juveniles moved out to their pens because I had to help my neighbor remove some moldy hay and run new fencing for the horses. I just got done putting everyone out. One dead gosling, one dead duckling, one dead serama (that one I expected) and one dead White Holland turkey. The duckling got out and looks like the geese got it. The gosling got its leg stuck somehow and bleed to death. The Serama wasn't thriving, so I was going to put it own anyway. The turkey was just fine last night, and I think it was my only Tom. We called him Alfredo. He was so sweet, but twice the size of the others, so I suspect heart. Now I need to find me a WH juvie Tom. Blast it all! I really liked that tom too! I'll have to see if Celie is still getting eggs and see if she wants to swap again. What a bummer, but better now than in the winter or early spring.

Ohhh, so sorry. I had to put a chick down today, same thing, just not growing/thriving and the sad thing was is it was one of my broody mama's. She's been ignoring it in favor of the other four, so I knew something was wrong....

I let our GFF juvies out to play yesterday. They loved it and the orps and brahmas were very curious. The Augs/breese (supposed to all be black breese- 1 for sure is an augs- 2 are probably augs- the other 2 I have no idea) were very skiddish.
Whoo, pretty speckles!!!!
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