Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Just wondering has anyone heard from srpaint? I have PMed about Seb eggs owed but have not heard back. It does not look like she has been on BYC since mid-April.
Ann, srpaint (Stacey) had some "family lifestyle changes" and needed to change many of her swaps. I got eggs from DMRippy that she owed to Stacey in place of the eggs Stacey owed me. I think some of her other swaps were also handled that way. Perhaps the mods can give you an email addy or phone number so you can reach her.
Who told me where I could find some LF Black Wyandottes????
Madam, I don't know if you are thinking about me but I PMed in the past about Tom Roebuck of Unionville, VA. He had the Best of Variety Black cockerel at the 2012 Eastern National meet in Ohio. His website is goldenfeatherfarm.com.
Madam, I don't know if you are thinking about me but I PMed in the past about Tom Roebuck of Unionville, VA. He had the Best of Variety Black cockerel at the 2012 Eastern National meet in Ohio. His website is goldenfeatherfarm.com.
Yup, you would have been the person. Thank you.
I'm a nightowl too, but I try to turn off the computer by 8-9 so DH doesn't feel so left out. He goes to sleep 10-11 and I am up until 2-3 watching cr@p TV that I've recorded and doing crossword puzzles or Sudoku (I go back and forth, LOL).

This is a pullet we hatched earlier this year hoping to sbow her this year

I hatched this pullet out from MrHeinz last year. She was Ch Asiatic at the last show. He sent me a few more eggs and I currently have two blues and two blacks that are about a week old. Hoping to find her a partner this year.

I'm full too. I have 2 incubators under lockdown and two running, 33 shipped eggs on the counter, more shipped eggs coming. I've got 2swaps I'm collecting for now sitting on the counter and 5 or 6 snowy call eggs that will go in the incubator on Monday. I've got one snowy hen building a nest though so I might give them to her when she proves serious to sit. She keeps sitting in the nest but will leave it for several hours at a time several times a day so she isn't to serious yet but im expecting anyday. I think i'm waiting on more SFH and BLRW. I've got hatches on the 28,29,and 30 of this month for chicks and hatches on the 22 and the 25 for ducks. Then I've got more eggs coming the last week of this month! I'm so overwhelmed with eggs that IDK what to do with myself! 4incubators running is taking it's toll on my mental health. I really need a cabinet bator!

It doesn't help, I have a 380 cabinet and I still run my three genesis all the time.


Weren't you the one that said the trick to hatching Serama and OD was not to turn them? I know someone mentioned that.

I hatch serama & OD, I put them in just like any other chicken egg.

The chicks I ordered in May 2012, most of them arrived about a month ago. I never did get some and have about 12 chicks growing out of stuff I didn't order.
Ann, srpaint (Stacey) had some "family lifestyle changes" and needed to change many of her swaps. I got eggs from DMRippy that she owed to Stacey in place of the eggs Stacey owed me. I think some of her other swaps were also handled that way. Perhaps the mods can give you an email addy or phone number so you can reach her.
so, do you know if she coming back? she owes me a couple of swaps also
So one of my year old hens that stopped laying a couple of months ago has been slipping off across the railroad tracks that are the back boarder of our property. A few of the other girls will follow which means I see them and go tell them they are naughty girls and to go home. They have been ignoring my calling. I know they like to go up my neighbors hill and chase things like deer, squirrels, or red winged blackbirds. They even chase the pheasant that likes to come visiting. So I noticed Bridget slipping back through the horse pasture coming from that direction. Hmmmm....

Well I went to take a look. Now mind you it's a mess of long grass, weeds, and dead trees. It's also very uneven ground which is extremely hard for me to walk through. So I found her egg! But I also stepped on a nail and it went clean through my big toe. Ouch! But finding an unexpected turkey egg may be worth the pain. Cora likes to lay her egg in the bushes out by the road. I'm fine with that because I know where to get her egg. Plus she arks really loud when she's done. Now I will have to watch for Bridget, but I will wear some boots to protect my poor piggy toes from more assaults. But I'm ordering if this is just a fluke or if she's going to start up again. Pretty cool either way. Not the toe. That hurts, but the egg was awesome.....and MINE since I would of course need to verify her fertility. Yeah Bridget you sweet little Midget!
100% hatch rate on kitchenchick's birchen marans! Ordered 8+, received 11. All 11 were fertile and made it to lockdown. ALL hatched! 10 blacks and a single blue! Couldn't get any better than that!
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